Have you ever really contemplated the vastness of the universe? Have you ever fully examined what you see in the sky at night?
In the immortal words of the immortal man, the beauty in human beings is not the atoms that go into us, but how they are put together. We never fully realized how beautiful we are. We are the product of billions of years of unexplainable, awe-inspiring architecture. We are the product of, also in the words of Carl Sagan, star stuff being so intricately combined into such an amazing, thinking, sentient being. We are all of the same build. We are all biologically, chemically and atomically connected to everything around us.
We are just matter momentarily combined into a being. We are just a speck on the vastness of the universe. We are so tiny, unimportant and lame yet we are so massively intelligent, important and amazing. We are the cosmos come together in such a way that the cosmos can explain its own existence. We are a momentary combination of the cosmos; some find the concept horrifying. I find the reality exhilarating. I am glad we live in a universe that permits the evolution of molecular machines so intricate and subtle as we. (Carl Sagan again)
We've been given the chance to live, to examine, to observe, to discover.
(I realize a lot of what I've said has been said before. A lot of what I've said is actually quoted from some famous scientists, it was eloquent enough. It's like fucking with Shakespeare, you just don't do it.)
I actually thought about this stuff- of how we really come down to how atoms interacted, and the forces that control them, and this had me tripping balls
Yes I have. And It really annoys me when I exclaim to people “Wow, look at the sky! The clouds, the gasses, it’s the only thing separating us from space! And it’s so HUGE it covers our entire world! Isn’t that amazing?” and getting blank looks or those tone of voices where you know theyre thinking “She’s such a silly little crumpet”
The further you dig into it, the more awe inspiring space becomes. You can’t really ever hope to understand all of it.
Just take a look into quasars and phasars and that’ll be good enough to mindfuck you for a few months.