
By In Uncategorized

Hello, there! How are you guys?

Well, now, I can't think of anything to talk about but I felt as if I need to say something so I decided to make a half-assed blog with a compilation of useless information and life stuff. (Wow, is this all I can do? Thinking of doing Hemingway hero-esque again. I feel as if that's literally the best content I've put on this site, seriously. Fairly sad, idn't it?)

It's 4:30 in the morning!

I just got home after watching my sister's kids for the entire night. I drove all the way into who-knows-where to watch her kids because I was under the impression I was going to get paid. She got home at 2 and proceeded to tell my brother-in-law to write me a check (because she was totally WASTED) and he proceeded to ask if he could pay me tomorrow. For this particular group of people, tomorrow means a year from now. I suppose that's fine. She needed relief and I feel as if she got that tonight, having 4 kids can be a pain. Especially when they're all girls.

Yes. Obligatory woman information!

We're great. She said she loved me. Teetering on 4 months of actual dating. In any case, I have a feeling she may be the one that I actually fall in love with. Call me an optimist. Although tonight we had a fight tonight, it ended nicely. She apologized and told me she loved me, I apologized and said it was my fault and then we proceeded to fight over whose fault it was. Yeah, sickening, we are.

Still no sex, and I don't care.

I work for this organization, and I got fired!

Yes, yes I did. It's a nonprofit organization that accepts donations, etc. I'm on the board and we recently had a meeting and they brought up the topic that they're short on money. They then proceeded to brainstorm ways to provide these particular services in order, or in return for, donations. I, personally, had a problem with providing services ulterior to the purpose of the organization, no matter how strapped for money you are. I voiced these concerns and told them what we were doing was teetering on illegal. In any case, it led to an argument and I was promptly fired because "my viewpoints differ with that of the organization." Whatever. It was a tiny organization going nowhere, helping no one.

I hate people who take other people's credit.

Recently wrote a lab report for my physics lab. A friend of mine, whom happens to be a genius (pretty much), copied it. He did so in a safe way, like he paid special attention to make it look as if he's not copying. He ended up getting an 85, I got a 75. Yeah, what the Hell?

I'm wearing a shirt that's long enough to be a dress!

And I don't care.

Recently, I've discovered that I agree much more with Hume than Rand.

I wrote an 8 page paper about it, I'm going to post it once it's revised and corrected, etc. I believe it may be a pretty decent paper, despite the cruddy writing. The subject-matter is fairly interesting.

I've been learning pi recently.


That's all I've got so far.

If Donald Trump runs for president, I'm voting for him.

I'm not even kidding.

I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight.


I still play, I've moved to Khaini though, and I've given up on my Evan. It's torturous. I've made a bandit.

Oh, who am I kidding?

The lack of sex is killing me. I understand though, I don't mind that she won't and I don't press the matter. She's very morally upright and I think this may be exactly what I need.

The pregnant woman

You remember her? Yeah, she had the kid. He's a good kid.

I was arrested

Not really. I was "taken for a ride." I was filming at the courthouse and apparently, you need a permit to do that. Especially if it's at midnight and the cop watching is a total asshole. I have him yelling at us on video, well, I don't but the guy with the video does. I'm waiting for him to put it up somewhere so I can nab it.


Haven't really had time for it lately. I gave away Black Ops, to a family member. I just had no need for it.

I'm going to get into fixing up cars, maybe get a little mechanical experience.

Just bought a 2.5 liter, v6, 1996 Mazda 626. On top of the charger, and the titan, I feel as if I'm making some significant investments and I'm proud of myself. It was only 1 grand because it's wrecked up but it runs well. Mostly body damage. I've been working on replacing the struts and then when I had taken the struts out I realized the mount was totally ruined. Had to special order them for $85. I'm heading to a junkyard in Gulfport tomorrow for doors.

Anyways, I'll still be driving the Charger until my grandpaw buys it. He needs a car and you can't turn down family. He's going to pick up the payments. I don't need a nice car. I'm a student. I don't deserve one.

I lost my damn source.

I lost my Cooltimer source and it's easily my most popular program. I know you could make an equivalent in a day but I don't want an equivalent. I want Cooltimer and it was a pain in the ass to write, I was just learning when I had written it. I didn't expect it to end up getting 5,000 downloads a week.

Valentines day gifts.

I bought her 80 cards and I plan on plastering her car with them. I need a serious gift to get her though, what should it be?

I'm thinking of maybe attempting to write a story.

Yeah, I've got a few ideas.

I seriously need a hair cut.

It's started to be a fro. I'm not liking it. The woman refuses to tell me what to do to it. She wants to act as if I'm good how I am but I honestly wish she wouldn't do that.

I'm heading to Gatlinburg in May

For a vacation. It's going to be a blast. I'm playing with a small jazz group at Dollywood.

I've recently started to play Contrabass Clarinet

I'm getting better but my fingers still need to adjust to the middle register. I can rock the 16th note chromatic up to about 112 bpm. No higher. I need it to be at 144 by… soon. My dream is to be in the LPO but seriously…fat chance. I'm not nearly good enough.

I hurt my foot.

I kicked a friend's car as a joke but yeah, my foot started to bleed. It was seriously odd.

Freezing weather

I know the whole country is experiencing it but I live in Louisiana to get away from that.

I'm wondering how many people have read this far

Thanks if you have. Well, that ends that very long and useless blog. See you guys in my next blog. I promise, it'll actually have content.


Nass 6 February 2011 Reply

yeah you do need a haircut.

Thanks for writing this btw,now if only everyone else would too…:(

Dustin 6 February 2011 Reply

How in the world would you know I need a haircut?

Yeah, we need more blogs.

Nass 6 February 2011 Reply

Let’s just say I’ve been watching you for a while now Dussy….

tarheel91 6 February 2011 Reply

As a student with a cool car, I see there being nothing wrong with you having one. Why, exactly, don’t you deserve one? You’re making the payments, right?

Is your grandpa incapable of going out and buying a car? You essentially are throwing away the money you spent paying off the car. Assuming your grandpa is as old as grandpas typically are, why the hell are you giving him the nicest of the three you own? His motor skills and reaction time are probably no where near what they used to be.

P.S. Having damaged struts means the car is not in good mechanical shape. Car =/= engine. Just because the engine runs does not mean the car is mechanically sound. I would have done a very thorough inspection to check for any other damage. Struts typically have a very long life. Their failure suggests other components are also on the verge of failure. This car could easily become a money pit.

Oh, is it a standard Charger, R/S, SRT8? What?

Dustin 6 February 2011 Reply

The struts ended up being fine. The strut mount just broke.

Also he’s not really my grandpaw we just call him that. I’m giving it to him because I love him and it was a gift. He really does deserve it.

Oh really, Nass?

Also, its an srt8

Wolfboy183 7 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said: Still no sex, and I don’t care.

That’s awesome. No, really it is. if you can have a non-sexual foundation for your relationship, then you won’t have to worry about sexual dysfunction destroying it 😛

tarheel91 7 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said: The struts ended up being fine. The strut mount just broke.

Also he’s not really my grandpaw we just call him that. I’m giving it to him because I love him and it was a gift. He really does deserve it.

Oh really, Nass?

Also, its an srt8

That’s one hell of a gift. Last time I checked, you weren’t in the kind of financial position to be giving away that much money (the money you’ve spent paying off the car + down payment). Are you seriously the only person in your family who can give this guy a car? Honestly, if he’s in such a tough predicament he should probably be picking up a car with a cheaper monthly payment.

My real opinion is that you shouldn’t be spending thousands on a third car right now or giving away a car to your cherished old guy. You should be saving and investing. $2k now is worth six digits at retirement assuming a reasonable amount of growth (2k at age 20 at 10%, the average, is worth over 145k at age 65). Your money right now is worth SO much. Lest you think I’m being hypocritical, I only spend 30% of my paycheck. The rest goes into savings. During my last rotation, 50% of the amount that went into savings went to my car, the other 50% is being invested in a long term account.

Edit: Not saying you need to be frugal either. As I said, I only spent about 30% of my paycheck despite paying all my bills, eating out 50% of my meals, going to movies once every few weeks, etc. Granted, I had no significant other at the time, but I think you get my point. Young and single (as in, not married) means TONS of disposable income that you don’t have later. You can still have tons of fun and get some awesome things and save at the same time.

Nass 7 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said:

Oh really, Nass?

Yes, really.

Dustin 7 February 2011 Reply
tarheel91 said:

Dustin said: The struts ended up being fine. The strut mount just broke.

Also he’s not really my grandpaw we just call him that. I’m giving it to him because I love him and it was a gift. He really does deserve it.

Oh really, Nass?

Also, its an srt8

That’s one hell of a gift. Last time I checked, you weren’t in the kind of financial position to be giving away that much money (the money you’ve spent paying off the car + down payment). Are you seriously the only person in your family who can give this guy a car? Honestly, if he’s in such a tough predicament he should probably be picking up a car with a cheaper monthly payment.

My real opinion is that you shouldn’t be spending thousands on a third car right now or giving away a car to your cherished old guy. You should be saving and investing. $2k now is worth six digits at retirement assuming a reasonable amount of growth (2k at age 20 at 10%, the average, is worth over 145k at age 65). Your money right now is worth SO much. Lest you think I’m being hypocritical, I only spend 30% of my paycheck. The rest goes into savings. During my last rotation, 50% of the amount that went into savings went to my car, the other 50% is being invested in a long term account.

Edit: Not saying you need to be frugal either. As I said, I only spent about 30% of my paycheck despite paying all my bills, eating out 50% of my meals, going to movies once every few weeks, etc. Granted, I had no significant other at the time, but I think you get my point. Young and single (as in, not married) means TONS of disposable income that you don’t have later. You can still have tons of fun and get some awesome things and save at the same time.

I understand what you mean, Tar. I’m going to start pumping into the savings soon, I promise. I just have to do this one last thing for the guy. I know it may seem like a stupid thing to do but I honestly am the only person available for him right now. Assuming he picks up the payments, I’m sure he’s planning on paying what I’ve paid so far as well. Though, I should probably make sure.

I’m going to start contributing regularly into the savings account I made today. You made me realize I hadn’t done that, haha. So far I’ve got $600 in it and that’s all the disposable income I’ve got at the moment.

@Nass, and what do I look like? 😉

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