It’s finally here. VuTales is 2 years old today, and now running VuTales 3.0. It’s been a long time in the making.
The site has been completely revamped, and is bursting with new features.
What do you like about the new VuTales? What do you miss? What would you like to see in the future?
Well, well, well… I’m pretty thoroughly surprised. Firstly, I’d like to thank Vusys and those who’ve contributed to the site, it is truly a wonderful site with a wonderful, albeit vicious, community. In any case, now that those niceties are out of the way, to the question!
What do I like about the new site!? I’ll tell you!
I hate to be superficial but it’d honestly have to be the amazing new layout and aesthetics. It’s an extremely “pretty” site. It’s honestly one of the most aesthetically appealing sites I’ve come across. When I think of attractive layouts, I recall a time in which my father mentioned the “Webby Awards” come to mind. That being said, this site is exponentially more worthy of the Best Visual Design category.
That seems a lot less appealing than any Prezzi project, much less almost any pretty fully functional site. It’s hard to navigate and the symmetries of a site are important. It’s lacking.
Also, the motion of the panels and such as you click away is extremely fluent and I enjoy those as well. The purty makes me gawk every time I click away at some of the amazing, new features.
On another equally impressive note, the dashboard is extremely useful. It’s a singular place to access all of the information we’ve contributed to the site and the response and I like it.
(I apologize for the annoyingly plain writing.)
What do I miss!?
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote pretty accurately depicts my attitude towards the past. If I were to care about what I missed, I would miss out on embracing and accepting the beauty of change and the beauty of this very, new exciting environment. Above all, I’d like to avoid criticizing the very capable developers and let them do as they please and…reap the reward!
Thanks again, guys!
What I’d like to see in the future!?
I’d love to see more new, and exciting features. I don’t want to know what they are before they come. That’d be unexciting. The thrill of the change is half of the fun. But there is one particular thing I’d like to …plead to have provided….
A larger community. We need to share the new site. We need to share it with those who’ve nowhere else to talk about their games, or their nerdy fanfictions, or their extremely risqu頳excapades or just their every day excitements, blunders, feats, and journeys! Everything worth having is worth sharing.
That is all! I apologize for the boring and thanks for reading.
We’re actually on
version 3.0.2 now, haha.
I see we’re still having issues with a few characters from Word (e.g. ‘ and “e” with an accent). In the meantime, you can avoid them by typing up your blog online if it bothers you.
I did type it online. I used opera to correct the accented e.
é è and another one is all I know how to do off the top of my head.
And look at the bright side, it’s the first day of V3 and we already have a newcomer.
Progress, yes?
Oh, that’s sweet. He literally fixed all the bugs I found.