This is getting frustrating!

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I still play Maplestory.

In any case, I’m so thoroughly disheartened by the community. I love the game and I enjoy playing it but I’m majorly turned off to the idea of playing regularly because of the gosh-darned community. There’s no one to talk to or to grind with or to just mess around with. They’re all major assholes. No joke. Today, I went to HobPQ and attempted to get a few % before I went to work, little did I know that this jerk was going to whine about drops for 10 minutes.


I think folks from here should start to play again. All I’ve got is 2 friends who are never on when I am. (Only the weekends for about an hour or two a day. Too busy to play for longer. The guild sucks also. Eh. I’ve been in the 80s for ages and I need motivation to get out.


Been entirely overwhelmed lately. No time for anything and I’m tired as Hell. It’s Mardi Gras. I’ve had to be in 2 parades so far. (7 miles each, 2 nights in a row.) Okay, I know the distance isn’t too bad. It’s just the impact. We’re a show band so we dance….a lot. And these dances are pretty hard on the knees/ankles. By the end of the night, I can hardly walk. No one can. I feel bad for the fat kids.

My graduation thesis is on its way and it’s only 27 pages. That’s okay though. I only managed to cite 13 sources in the paper though and the minimum is 15. It’s stupid. Why does Louisiana do this? I honestly have NO idea. It’s on subjective and objective morality and to be honest, it’s like a 5th grader wrote it with extremely limited knowledge of the subject. I know what I’m talking about but I’m not a good writer (yeah, I admit it) and I can’t get it to flow and be convincing. Who cares? As long as I do one I graduate.


I think I may try my hand at fiction…

No ideas yet though. I’ll work on it.

I’m Here.

Strange but touching movie. By a director of some merit, Spike Jonze. Watch it if you have time. It’s 30 minutes. It’s amazing. Honestly, I cried. And I don’t cry often. Especially not for movies.


MasterCheeze 27 February 2011 Reply

I started playing again a while ago; I’m in Windia though.

And Louisiana makes you write a graduation thesis? I’m, uh, surprised. We just have to be able to bring in at least a four-point buck to graduate in Montana.

Dustin 27 February 2011 Reply

You should come to Galicia!

I was too.

MasterCheeze 27 February 2011 Reply

Galicia? No wonder you’re having trouble finding people to play. Pay the $25 transfer fee and we’ll hang in Windia. Or maybe they’ll do the server combining thing they mentioned in Basil’s Q&A.

DarkDragoon 27 February 2011 Reply

Just noticed your plate/w.e thing Cheeze. WOA.
You picked a bad class to lose motivation on though Dusty. Same as Slingers, once it’s lost it’s gone for good.
At least in my opinion.

Vusys 27 February 2011 Reply

I check up on the community every few months. I have a v83 sandbox running on my PC to play about with the new classes too. It’s a nice game, if it weren’t for NEXON.

I spy Opera and Warez-BB in the background.

Dustin 27 February 2011 Reply

Heh, haven’t lost class motivation. Lost people motivation. I need someone to play with. It used to be Tar Mass Ans the those people but eh.

What world combining thing? I have a level 74 f/p in windia but I don’t like f/ps anymore. I think nass needs to start Playing again.

You spy correctly haha. I’m being forced to watch Tangled and Anastasia.

DarkDragoon 27 February 2011 Reply
Vusys said: I check up on the community every few months. I have a v83 sandbox running on my PC to play about with the new classes too. It’s a nice game, if it weren’t for NEXON.

I spy Opera and Warez-BB in the background.

Opera is master browser.
Nuff’ said

MasterCheeze 27 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said: What world combining thing? I have a level 74 f/p in windia but I don’t like f/ps anymore. I think nass needs to start Playing again.

Basil had a chat room up for a bit, and one of the times a bunch of GMs came to answer questions. One was about inactive servers (in this case Yellonde since it’s the most pathetic of all), and one of the GMs said they were considering merging servers. It may or may not happen however.

AznRiceFan 27 February 2011 Reply

I started a character in I think Windia not too long ago actually, but I don’t really have time/motivation to play.

Nass 28 February 2011 Reply
Dustin said: I think nass needs to start Playing again.

kk I’ll make a guy soon

Dustin 28 February 2011 Reply


MasterCheeze 28 February 2011 Reply
Nass said:

Dustin said: I think nass needs to start Playing again.

kk I’ll make a guy soon

Windia, right?

Dest1 28 February 2011 Reply

I would play, but I’m over Maplestory, man. I’ve tried many a time to get back into it, but it just doesn’t work. Oh well, I have Halo: Reach

Nass 28 February 2011 Reply
MasterCheeze said:

Nass said:

Dustin said: I think nass needs to start Playing again.

kk I’ll make a guy soon

Windia, right?

wat? iunno. Wherever Dussy is

tarheel91 28 February 2011 Reply

Here’s the problem with me playing again: it’s still Maple Story. Grind constantly and to what end?

Pirkid 28 February 2011 Reply
tarheel91 said: Here’s the problem with me playing again: it’s still Maple Story. Grind constantly and to what end?

I tried going back one day and was so utterly lost amongst advertisements and the changes…it doesn’t seem fun.

Dustin 28 February 2011 Reply

Nass, I am still in Galicia. 🙂

Tar, it’s not exactly the same. Grinding is much easier. PQs that aren’t competitive are open to any level from the start point to 200. ie LPQ is 35-200. It’s really nice. Quests are worth doing. It’s a lot more diverse and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I can’t wait till 100. Hopefully getting 90 today. And 100 this weekend (parades withstanding) to get Earthquake.

dee32693 28 February 2011 Reply

its all about mabinogi. and vindictus.

Expectation 1 March 2011 Reply

Might I entice you to Scania with promises of a wonderfully active, friendly, and bossing guild?

tarheel91 1 March 2011 Reply
Dustin said: Nass, I am still in Galicia. 🙂

Tar, it’s not exactly the same. Grinding is much easier. PQs that aren’t competitive are open to any level from the start point to 200. ie LPQ is 35-200. It’s really nice. Quests are worth doing. It’s a lot more diverse and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I can’t wait till 100. Hopefully getting 90 today. And 100 this weekend (parades withstanding) to get Earthquake.

Grinding is easier, but what does grinding get you? Levels that give you AP and skills. What do those let you do? Grind more.

Unless you enjoy grinding, there’s no fun in it.

Wolfboy183 1 March 2011 Reply

I got a 74 chief bandit (sindit) on Broa. I’ll consider MS but i still hate that game. Well, not the game, but the company that screwed it and the legions of douchebags that inhabit it. I don’t think now is a good time to start a new game. i play wow and minecraft too much, and thats a lot of good study time gone to waste.

Dustin 1 March 2011 Reply
tarheel91 said:

Dustin said: Nass, I am still in Galicia. 🙂

Tar, it’s not exactly the same. Grinding is much easier. PQs that aren’t competitive are open to any level from the start point to 200. ie LPQ is 35-200. It’s really nice. Quests are worth doing. It’s a lot more diverse and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I can’t wait till 100. Hopefully getting 90 today. And 100 this weekend (parades withstanding) to get Earthquake.

Grinding is easier, but what does grinding get you? Levels that give you AP and skills. What do those let you do? Grind more.

Unless you enjoy grinding, there’s no fun in it.

You can really amount anything to monotony. Any game, atleast.

@Expectation Couldn’t be asked to start an entirely new character and start anew with nothing. Too…hard.

DrZ 2 March 2011 Reply

I installed MS a few weeks ago, but Aika has kept me busy. I may go back since there’s a lot a VuTalers in Windia.

tarheel91 2 March 2011 Reply
Dustin said:

tarheel91 said:

Dustin said: Nass, I am still in Galicia. 🙂

Tar, it’s not exactly the same. Grinding is much easier. PQs that aren’t competitive are open to any level from the start point to 200. ie LPQ is 35-200. It’s really nice. Quests are worth doing. It’s a lot more diverse and I thoroughly enjoy it.

I can’t wait till 100. Hopefully getting 90 today. And 100 this weekend (parades withstanding) to get Earthquake.

Grinding is easier, but what does grinding get you? Levels that give you AP and skills. What do those let you do? Grind more.

Unless you enjoy grinding, there’s no fun in it.

You can really amount anything to monotony. Any game, atleast.

@Expectation Couldn’t be asked to start an entirely new character and start anew with nothing. Too…hard.

Ahh, but see, here’s the difference between MS (and most MMORPGs) and most other games: MS’s core game play isn’t fun. At least, not for me. Spamming attack against monsters that present absolutely no challenge is mind-numbing, not fun.

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