No really!
So how do you guys feel about religion ruining relationships? Lemme enlighten you guys on an instance that is particularly near and dear to myself…as in directly influential.
There’s this girl. She’s pretty sweet. She’s Mormon. Heard it before? Stop me if you have. In any case, I went to a church function to hang out with her. Was a “day of service” where we went and cleaned up a ghetto neighborhood. Afterwards there was a picnic get-together thing to celebrate all the good we had done. At the get-together there were obviously missionaries there socializing as well. They approached me asking if I’d like to talk to them a little about the church. After some prodding from the lady-friend, I accepted.
Now it’s 4 months later. I’ve continued meeting with them. They keep prodding me to get baptized in “the true church” and to become a member. Now there are a few problems with this:
1. I’m nowhere near convinced.
2. My mother would die inside.
3. I’m not converting for a girl.
Now, they told me to pray. This is where it gets a little more cheesy so if you’re anti-religion or something, please stop reading. You’ll end up angry. I’ve been genuinely praying, and reading their book. The missionaries always tell me “Pray and he’ll answer you…” so I have been and there’s been absolutely no answer. They keep prodding me and pressuring me to commit to a religion I don’t believe in and out of politeness I tell them I’d like to continue learning until I can make a commitment, when I know it’s true.
“Oh, but Dustin, faith is not the knowledge of truth but the hope that it is true.”
“…So you’re asking me to risk my mother’s livelihood on something I HOPE is true?”
“Well, have faith that you’ll receive an answer atleast… Try for this weekend.”
“Okay, I have faith I’ll get an answer.”
Now, I’ve committed to making a decision by this Sunday, after the service. If I don’t receive an answer, then I never will and I’m backing out entirely. If I do, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I know I may sound crazy but I’m fully committed to doing what I feel is right.
Now, this is where it gets rough. The girl I’m with, whom I love, will not stay with me if I don’t convert…eventually. So, if I end up deciding not to pursue the discussions with the missionaries any further, we’re probably over. I’m planning on taking her out and telling her what’s up.
“Faith, I committed to making a decision about the whole religion thing this Sunday… I didn’t receive an answer, so I’m inclined to believe I never will. I’ll never be Mormon and I entirely understand if you wish to back out of the relationship now. I’ll leave right now and you’ll never hear from me again. I’ll return everything you’ve given me. It’d be great if that didn’t happen but I’d understand.”
This has been consuming my thoughts. How I’m probably going to lose a girl because a religion requires its members to be sealed in a temple. Because a religion is so elitist that they disallow their members from committing to someone outside of the religion. It’s crushing me. I only took up the discussions because it’d make her happy. I didn’t intend for it to end our relationship…
Oh well. It’s a decision I have to make.
Oh, I got a new job. I am a chauffeur for a rich guy. 12 dollars an hour + gas. Not too bad for a college student, I’d say. I also have a job at a museum lined up for August so I’ll have that too.
Unusual lacking in sex and humor in this blog but oh well. It’s all I’ve got to blog about.
Thanks for reading if you have.
What’s your current religious status? Xtian? Agnostic? None?
Hopeful agnostic.
I didn’t get angry, and I’m religious.
Yeah, you’ll find there’s a lot of asshats out there who want nothing more than for you to convert. I’m always in favor of asking people how much they know about my religion, but I only ask the once, and then if they’re not interested, I leave them alone.
I just get frustrated when people give me shit for what OTHER people have done in the name of my religion when I’m a completely different person.
Being religious requires a lot of patience, and if you’re me, you’ll eventually more-or-less get an answer. Lots of people chock that up to being random chance, but one can always hope.
Whatever your decision, I’m sure it’ll be the right decision for you. 🙂
Not worth it.
Lithium, what religion are you? Thanks for the advice, though. 🙂
Dest, eh.
If only nyancat was a religion.
DON’T DO IT! lol
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
I don’t think I’m going to rush it. Thanks, Nass. Despite their constant prodding. Just awkward when I tell them not yet…
Dest, eh.
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
I don’t think I’m going to rush it. Thanks, Nass. Despite their constant prodding. Just awkward when I tell them not yet…
Latter-Day Saint and all that jazz
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
I don’t think I’m going to rush it. Thanks, Nass. Despite their constant prodding. Just awkward when I tell them not yet…
Latter-Day Saint and all that jazz
Haha weird to see a substance-enthusiast Mormon.
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
I don’t think I’m going to rush it. Thanks, Nass. Despite their constant prodding. Just awkward when I tell them not yet…
Latter-Day Saint and all that jazz
Haha weird to see a substance-enthusiast Mormon.
dont do it!
IIRC, their religion is very… “busy” with mandatory services and what not o_O Im catholic btw and we get lots of freedom with when to go to church and etc.
No but seriously, as a fellow Mormon, if you’re not diggin it, don’t do it.
I’ve read the Book of Mormon & all the other scriptures, and even now I don’t know whether or not I made the right choice to be baptized. Don’t rush this or it’ll just cause problems.
I don’t think I’m going to rush it. Thanks, Nass. Despite their constant prodding. Just awkward when I tell them not yet…
Latter-Day Saint and all that jazz
Haha weird to see a substance-enthusiast Mormon.
Yeah lol. What can I say, I like my substances. 🙂