“Leave that to Smarter Minds than me” (And a little advertisement)

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I suppose I’m going to devote this blog to my many inadequacies and my approaches to them. I’m going to treat it as a character building exercise. It’s something that’s been on my mind.

So here’s the list.

I try to hard

In everything I do, I put my soul into it. Under normal circumstances, I’d say that was a good thing but in all honesty, not everything DESERVES all of a person’s attention. Devoting time and effort and love and your all to a useless cause is futile and ultimately, disappointing.

For instance, the girl I’ve been dating has been away. Which if you’ve read my last blog, you know. So… You know. Anyways, I’ve been trying to keep in contact with her through texting. (LOLGAY) She can’t call because she doesn’t have the time so I thought, “Hey, I’ll just expect a text or two a day! Hell, maybe she’ll even say something nice! :D”

She doesn’t. She gets mad when I quit talking to her because she never replies and acts as if I don’t want to talk to her. And when I do speak to her, no reply. And when approached with this dilemma “I haven’t seen my family in forever! Gimme a break!”

Cool…Didn’t want to talk to you anyway. I honestly believe you’ve run out of nice things to say about anyone.


I’m Extra-Intuitive!

I try so hard to disregard logic. I do. I really do and honestly, I’m a happier person because of it. At the end of the day, you’re a happier person convinced that the world is shiny and rainbow-y. At the end of the day, you’re a better person because of it. I believe in heroes, I’m a romantic. I want to be that way.

However, everything in excess is toxic. I believe wholeheartedly in the fact that I can be that hero. I can go that distance. I can be everything my girlfriend wants. I can excel in my classes. I can work 10 hour shifts. I can manage everything life has to throw at me. And if I can’t maybe I could beckon a little divine intervention.

Sounds like a healthy lifestyle, doesn’t it?

I can manage it. I’m just getting a little tired.

I’m Sort of A Know-It-All

I can admit fault and I make a conscious effort to do so but when I am correct, and I know it. I tend to be obnoxious about it. I don’t understand how people can be….wrong about some things. And even moreso OBSTINATELY refuse to admit fault. I do not accept inadequacy in that sense in regards to those around me. There’s nothing worse than a person who can’t admit fault. Honestly, when I’m wrong, I atleast admit it.



Wait…why am I insulting people?…I’m the one who gets worked up over it.

Looks like I’m a jerk.

Which leads to my next point…

I’m a Jerk (Intolerant)

I have a tough time accepting inadequacy and I’m also pretty vocal about it.

I would be a bad dad at this stage in the game. I hope I get better. For instance, an inadequacy I’m too fond of is the use of substances not in recreation but as a crutch. My sister for instance, drinks because she hates her life. She has 3 kids and she just wants to get away. And to me, it takes a weak person to rather than fix an issue, drink it away. That’s cowardice.

I tell her. She doesn’t like it…but I do.

And another thing. I don’t appreciate the redneck lifestyle… “LETS LIGHT A BIG FIRE AND GET DRUNK HURR DURR. HYUCK HYUCK”

Kind of idiots have time to blow doing something like that? That’s just not my idea of fun I guess.

I Have Secrets

I don’t tell my girl I play a lot of games…because she’s judgmental and thinks I should be doing something “productive.”

I don’t tell my mom that I hate that she sticks me with my brother’s responsibilities when I DON’T EVEN LIVE THERE ANYMORE. And he’s 2 years older than me (22) and still lives there.

I don’t tell my sister that I hate it when she sticks me with her kids without asking. “Hey Dustin. Where’s mom?” -sets kids down-

“I’m gunna go talk to mom outside.”

Wait…what do I do with these things?

I don’t tell Faith how much it bothers me that she treats me like dirt and like I’m an idiot…all the time.

I’m an Idiot

I’m not smart and I never will be. That’s about all there is to it. I’m only as good as God made me or….random biological process. Whatever you choose to believe. I’m putting my all into it and accepting the result…

And I’m going to accept my limitations…

Too Trusting

People hurt me in a big way, if they do. Every cut is deep. I’m a pussy.

I’m a Pussy.

Anyway…Aside from all that. Just started a new Youtube channel for giggles with a few buds. Will feature WoW, Terraria, and I guess Minecraft videos. The first Terraria video goes up tomorrow morning and I think it was pretty fun so feel free to watch it and be sure to comment how we could make it better. I’m Dusty in it. The BioShock playthrough is a friend named Ty. Check those out if you want too. They’re a little dry though.


darkness 6 July 2012 Reply

Nice gesture. However (and here’s the pessimistic part), admittance is one thing, amendment is another.

DarkDragoon 8 July 2012 Reply

Opera blocked your blog. :[
I had to click on darkness’s comment in the recent comments section just to read this.

Dustin 9 July 2012 Reply

Wonder why it blocked it 😮

greenelf 9 July 2012 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Opera blocked your blog. :[
I had to click on darkness’s comment in the recent comments section just to read this.

Worked for me

darkness 9 July 2012 Reply

Hey! I’m useful!

DarkDragoon 9 July 2012 Reply

I’m not crazy D:
Might just have been my content blockers being a little too helpful

Dustin 9 July 2012 Reply

Nice private server running in the background.

greenelf 9 July 2012 Reply
Dustin said: Nice private server running in the background.

Lol I put opera on my VPSs, I found that chrome’s auto updating feature is not something you want on servers

Dustin 9 July 2012 Reply

Are you just using TiredStory’s source or are you actually running Tiredstory, cause I tried to go to TiredStory’s website and it was down.

greenelf 10 July 2012 Reply
Dustin said: Are you just using TiredStory’s source or are you actually running Tiredstory, cause I tried to go to TiredStory’s website and it was down.

TiredStory’s source. I’m kinda backing myself out of doing Maple sites now. Most people are only interested in how the sites look (CSS/HTML/jQuery etc.), but I’m more interested in PHP now, which most people don’t appreciate with maple sites.

Dustin 10 July 2012 Reply

I sure love how you talk about coding like it’s something that tickles your fancy, hah.

“Yeah, been really into foreign movies, lately.”
“Oh…I’ve been into PHP.”

DarkDragoon 13 July 2012 Reply
Dustin said: I sure love how you talk about coding like it’s something that tickles your fancy, hah.

“Yeah, been really into foreign movies, lately.”
“Oh…I’ve been into PHP.”

It’s actually pretty much like that. People pick up new languages to tickle their fancies for the most part

Dustin 13 July 2012 Reply

Haha, I code and I’ve never done that.

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