Do it.

By In Uncategorized

So, I just scheduled for my next semester, which may very well be my last. Maybe. In scheduling certain classes I found myself looking over the various courses the school offered: introduction to drawing, introduction to folklore, ichthyology, mammalogy. etc. And a phrase recurred:

“I’ve always wanted to do that”

I’ve always wanted to be an exceptional artist, rather than mediocre. I’ve always wanted to own a zoo, and therefore thought it interesting to learn about macrobiological systems. Even though I specialize in micro. But I never did.

So, I can’t now. Sure, I’ve done things I love and learned and excelled at things but not every thing.I guess that’s what lead me to make this blog. I am going to spout of advice I wish I’d heard as a kid: If there’s an opportunity given, take it. You’ll always wonder what might happen if you had done it. Or you might be mortified by your laziness later. At the end of the day. the awkward or the time you save is never worth the cost: a (albeit, short) lifetime of being disappointed in your timidness and laziness.

If you want to write, write. If you want to draw, draw. If you want to play music, play it. Don’t stand idly by and watch life pass you by. And if you plan to make a living creatively, that is also my advice for you: you can’t very well sell a book you’ve never written and improved.

Anyway…Thanks for reading. Beginning to write a story similar to Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series pretty soon. Same style at least so look out for that if you’re interested.


Nass 17 April 2013 Reply

Believe it or not I actually really needed this.

darkness 17 April 2013 Reply

Thing with classes is that you’ll never get to do everything. If you enrolled in those courses, you’ll just think the same about the courses you’ve done now.

Pessimism meets opportunity cost.

Dustin 19 April 2013 Reply

Heh I suppose you’re right. But I could have taken at least some of them. Instead I opted into easy courses.

Like a scrub.

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