yeah i know, holy shit, evilstranger is back in action!
i will be posting some stuff thats happenin in school. i dont really wanna post any of the stuff on facebook cuz its sorta personal to me and i will feel embarrassed if i post it on there so ill post stuff here
here some them info about the blogs i will be posting:
– happened from january to february
– girls
– drama, but its not like those mushy shit you see on soap opera or cliche love shit on fanfics
– high skool
– loss
– regret
– violence (yes, i got into a fight and i got a scar on my fist)
sigh, just basically a series of events that changed me and i've changed.
you see, what led me to writing this is when i was on the car at like 4 am driving to the airport.
i was like tired like a fuck cuz i didnt sleep and i was listening to emotional songs like Something About Us by Daft Punk
then i thought about my friends.
i lost friends.
to me, losing friends is my weakness. no offense, but losing online friends i dont really care lol.
so uhm, yeah, i'll try to write like how i used to and by now as you can tell i'm not doing the "Holy crap, you are supposed to type like this with all those periods and shits."
i be doin that on my blogs that i promise, but not this.
so yeah, stay tuned!
: (
Lol Max, have patience.
I guess Vutales is where you can share your life stories
thats what ive been fucking doing even before mmot got fucked down
Chill down dude
fuck its like 1:21 here
still not fucking sleeping
i gotta sleep : )
Damnit, Evilstranger is back… Jk 😛
Welcome back man, and calm down. I’ve had about everything on that list, but I’m still optimistic. And not cussing like shit 😛
Ah, the return of Evil.
Welcome back, my friend. 🙂 And yes, it is possible to be civil on a bog site with your best friends. ;D
best ONLINE friends. Ah well you all know you guys would accept him even if 95% of his blogs were made of curse words! xD
thanks everyone
u kno, i still cant believe im still with u guys
ever since i began mmot
i started a week after mmot was created
pro ya?
I joined like… a week after that 😛
And I’m just on-again-off-again. But I like VuTales now. We’ve restarted, going from scratch 🙂
Plus I’m ID #2 😛
Lalalalalala no filters r t3h shit,
Um ontopic:
lulz its da ebil one. Someone said you said you weren’t coming back. Liezzzzzzzz.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaax! Hi. ;D
Er…not to sound insensitive but I don’t know what else to say about your ‘friends’. @__@; JUST REMEMBER WHAT I DID OKAY. D:
Max is kewl 4 lyfe homie
Da sexmastah has returned.
To the MAX!