my nuts itch 2

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so yeah if i am going to show a video, then the title will always be capitalized from now on

So my nuts itch, the first blog, was suppose to be about what's going on in my life in the bandwagon of blog writing: paragraphs, paragraphs, add pun, paragraphs wahtever, good grammar and capitalization and stuff

so in the middle of writing it, i was like "okay this shit is getting boring" so i delete like 30 minutes of writing and barely any thought process and i just wrote and generalized them in lines

it's sorta inspired or from uh.. The Anti-blog. haha good stuff good stuff.

so today i want to talk about what happened today, something somewhat retarded funny.

do you remember from my previous blogs, i talked about Fagdrag-J?

he's the irresponsible guy in my school who everyone calls "faggot" and/or "pedophile" …… pedophile cuz his girlfriend is a freshman and she looks like a 6th grader

anyways, a week ago, i decided that i am going to boston and attend Suffolk University. it was my safety and its the closest environment is that similar to taipei city. upon that decision, i told others about it. they told me that another friend is also going (his name is Joey). so then i called him and yeah we're like "cool we can be roommates"

so then TODAY, fagdrag-J got pissed at Joey because joey is rooming with me. apparently, joey and i didn't know that he was going to Suffolk too. fagdrag-J wanted to attend Suffolk just because he wanted to room with Joey. that retard chose Suffolk over Northeastern.

Northeastern University is better than Suffolk University

i didnt even get in northeastern and it was my target school. northeastern was his reach school. wtf man

so after joey told me about fagdrag-J.. we think dat nigga likes dicks or some shit lol…..
apparently not a lot of people in my grade likes fagdrag-J, not even joey. even tho joey is a guy who would dislike someone, but he does.

everyone thought he was going to HongKong for college, but nope, he already deposited to suffolk.

i'm not even kidding man, if he denied northeastern over suffolk.. then i wouldve taken his spot for northeastern = =

yeah. thats what bothered me.

Another thing about fagdrag-J

we have a prom performance and the entire crew or cast said "okay, we are not going to sign fagdrag-J up for performance"


because in previous years, he keeps on bothering me and jBang (the korean dude who does poppin in my FUNKSTYLE SESSION videos) about how he wants teh performance to turn out. and everytime we are choreographing and practicing, he never shows up and when he does, he brings his underaged girlfriend with him and only stays for like 10 minutes and then he leaves.

i remember last year's prom, i kicked him out of my choreography. because of what he did what i mentioned above. and you kno what his excuse was?

Fagdrag-J said: you're kicking me out just because i was late?

not only has he said that, he said that with a "that's-a-ridiculous-decision-you-made" or "wtf" face.

that shit pissed me off, but jbang was too nice and allowed him to do the poppin choreography……… during the actual performance day, he fucked up the fucking choreography. he fucked up everything. i mean its okay if you spend a lot of time practicing with us and fuck up, but its totally NOT if you barely come to practice and fuck up the performance.

it's ridiculous. and the year before that, he would ditch the practices just to go play left4dead at a friend's house. every single fucking time.


everyone agreed but nobody had the balls to say it cuz everyone is too nice about it. and so i was the only one who was blunt enough and had the balls to say "no, fagdrag-J, you are not performing with us."

he even made up some shit like "yeah but, nicole said that if i audition with you guys during the audition day, then i'm in."
which was really funny because nicole was right next to me when he said that, nicole then said "fagdrag-j, my position in the student government has nothing to do with the prom committee." so basically he pwnd himself.

So today we auditioned while, for some odd reason, fagdrag-j stood at the side watched us audition. i have no idea why he was there.

one last thing that i wanna mention, cuz i have to sleep soon.
gosh why do i always write blogs and stuff at midnight lol

my physics project group consists of…..

Fagdrag-J and the dude who stole my girl.



its really awkward between the 3 of us. the shit is due next monday (its friday here) and we're not even half way done.
i think i'm gonna get analed. i shudnt have left the group that i was originally with…

anyway so, as an irresponsible faggot like fagdrag-j.. he doesnt do shit in the project and hes always with his little tiny ass girlfriend. he ditches our meetups just to play fuckin barbie dolls or some shit with his girlfriend. and the dude who stole my girl got pissed at him for giving him attitude and they got into a fight.

and its all fucked up now. i think im gonna fail the project. the project is one test grade.

幹 me in the face

ok if you didnt understand anything that i wrote, its okay
i wrote all this from what came up to my mind.
no outline
no planning
no nothing

im gonna post another video of myself or something next week or the week after that

i'll post up the prom performance too : )


Dest1 29 April 2010 Reply

shit’s fucked up mang

Ganzicus 29 April 2010 Reply

what a fag (drag)

Nass 30 April 2010 Reply

Joey is a cool dude

Spade 30 April 2010 Reply

Can I have a coo nickname too like fagdrag-j

EvilStranger 30 April 2010 Reply
Spade said: Can I have a coo nickname too like fagdrag-j

you can be.. penisbreath!

Spade 30 April 2010 Reply

How about FishThroat

dee32693 2 May 2010 Reply

punch him in the throat? thats all i can think of D:

Nass 2 May 2010 Reply
Spade said: How about FishThroat

Nah Penisbreath suits you better.

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