Ez's fav. sex toy-uh, I mean, console.

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First off, HI EVERYBODY. Great to be back. Also glad to know there is no more Bogdan's face being an ass to us. (Harhar, SURPRISE PUN-SECKS. xD)

On to the actual topic.

Nintendo 64
I love this thing, I really do. Nevermind that the graphics were crappy (I suppose it was the 90's; I'll give them some slack), or that I'd get blisters from overexciting myself with the joystick.

Blisters on my thumb from violent Mario Kart-ing, I'll have you know. Get those minds out of the gutters!

There were really good games on this, actually. Smash Bros. kind of sucks now that we have Melee and Brawl (the one time I played this after Gamecube-ing for ages, I kept trying to hold on and charge up an attack, and kept swearing every time they didn't charge xD), but there was the original Mario 64, LoZ: OoT & Majora's Mask (or was this Gamecube? I forgot D; ), Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Puzzle League, and probably many more besides that I can't remember. XD

Oh oh! Donky Kong 64 ruled, too. Went through it all with a walkthrough. XDDDDDD And Banjo Kazooie.

And just as a passing note; LoZ: OoT was the best LoZ by far. The music is addictive. XD

Hm. I prefer this controller to that of the N64's because it didn't give me blisters (xD), but that's about all I can say. The cube itself is cute, but…I dunno, I actually feel that there weren't that many good games made for this. The only ones that stand out are Melee and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I never got the hype over Double Dash; I think the original Kart was much awesomer. XD Or maybe it was coz I never played DD enough.

Initially I was all WHAT FUCK IS THIS WHY DO I NEED TWO SEPARATE CONTROLLERS and CONFUSED, but now that I've gotten over my phailure at coordination I don't find it that bad. Getting used to the controllers was a little difficult (I think they made it fancier than they should have; stick with the original buttons and joystick, Nintendo!), but after that it was a breeze using them. (Hehe I learnt to properly ground dodge in Brawl on this.) Yes, I know, I suck, I could never ground dodge properly in Melee. XD

Wii Sports is pretty cool too, but only the tennis. xP I got so owned at boxing, my inner martial artist cries and whinges about the controller, the connection, the slow reflexes of the boxer I was controlling, the inaccuracy of his punches, etc etc.

Although that WAS why I lost.

I'm not bitter, really.

I tried a few of the other games, but these two are still my favourites by far.

Black and white ftw. I never got one after the black and white.

Sentimentality ftw.


Oh yes, I forgot to mention.

Overall Take
Best console for games: N64
Best console for comfort: Wii. I can lounge around in all positions and use the wi-fi controllers instead of being restricted by a cord. 8D


Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

That’s because they are clearly the best.


Pirkid 26 March 2009 Reply

Although I’ve been a Nintendo fanboy since before I was in my mother’s womb, so I’m slightly bias.

Indescane 26 March 2009 Reply

Congrats on 69 views, whore.

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

Congratulate your mother on 69 views, asshole.

Pirkid 26 March 2009 Reply

So I sense you two have a very active sex life.

Indescane 26 March 2009 Reply

I’d rather congratulate yours, if you know what I mean.

@Pir: Why, yes. How did you guess? It’s all thanks to Ez’s mother.

Vusys 26 March 2009 Reply


Why can’t anyone click the category dropdown and select QoTW?

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

I did, the first time around. When I noticed it was gone, I tried to put it back, but the thing didn’t come back up. D< @Dez: YOUR MOM. @Pir: More like Dez’s mom has too many hormones. Who am I to resist beautiful, mature women? 8D

Nass 26 March 2009 Reply

Nintendo sucks ass.

*hides Gamecube*

Vusys 26 March 2009 Reply
Ezyan said: I did, the first time around. When I noticed it was gone, I tried to put it back, but the thing didn’t come back up. D< @Dez: YOUR MOM. @Pir: More like Dez’s mom has too many hormones. Who am I to resist beautiful, mature women? 8D

I see. I removed it from the edit page to prevent abuse. I think I’ll add it back and just use mod powers to stop people abusing it for the while. Ho hum.

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply
Vusys said: I see. I removed it from the edit page to prevent abuse. I think I’ll add it back and just use mod powers to stop people abusing it for the while. Ho hum.

XD You’re the admin.


Nass 26 March 2009 Reply

No u dnt

u lie :'(

*shoves GameCube under a sofa*

Indescane 26 March 2009 Reply

-steals GameCube from under sofa-

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

*steals leftover Gamecube controllers*

Excellent. Now I don’t have to borrow from my cousins when I have more than 2 people who want to play. 8D

Nass 26 March 2009 Reply


How the yuck you get into mah house?

At least I have my..

*cuddles SNES*


Mmmmm smex tonight!

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

Ha. Bet you’re regretting not being on this piece of grass now, eh, Zhlinky! ;D

Not that there’s much grass down here. It’s all dead. D:

Nass 26 March 2009 Reply

Water your grass.

Or else it’ll kill you one night.

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

Why don’t you water my grass for me. I can’t be bothered. 😀

Dest1 26 March 2009 Reply

Microsoft 5 lyfe

-hides SNES-

David 26 March 2009 Reply

Yeah, I agree how Wii’s = comfort. I just wave my hand around on the couch, beating the crap out of the AI at tennis. >:3

SilverFx 26 March 2009 Reply

*happily ignorant of all the console chatter going on* Hi Ez! *waves*

Arladerus 26 March 2009 Reply

Nintendo sucked when they released the Game Cube. My parents got a Wii, like every other Asian parents, even those who didn’t normally buy games for their children. I WANT FABLE 2, HALO 3, DMC4, COD 4 WITH A REAL CONTROLLER, GUITAR HERO WITH GOOD GRAPHICS!! ARGHHH.

David 26 March 2009 Reply

Yeah, it’s like a phenomenon. All Asian parents got Wii’s. XD Most of them anyway.

Souseiki 26 March 2009 Reply

my idiot parents bought a jap wii. its impossible to play. T.T

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

@Zhlinky: *grins* Am I a what?


@David: Hahah I do EXACTLY the same thing as you. XD We are such slobs. SLOBS HIGH FIVE.

@Silver: HAIII omg why has Imppy not infected you yet. D;

@Arladerus: No WAYYY. Gamecube FOR THE WIN. D;

…okay that was just because I own a Gamecube. But otherwise I agree with you that games-wise, it wasn’t very good.

And wow, your parents got you a Wii? Mine wouldn’t get it for my brother and I until we got it half price. Now THAT’S asian.

And Guitar Hero rocks, I will give you that. XD

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

LOL JAP WII?! That would be interesting…XD

I’d have to have my friend physically live with me in order to play THAT thing. XDD

Although that would be pretty awesome. ;D

Arladerus 26 March 2009 Reply

I ken pley teh songz in teh expert.

Except TTFAF. I die in 2 seconds. But I got 280K on Impulse. =D

Ezyan 26 March 2009 Reply

…280k? You need a life, man. xP

My guitar playing skillz suck, lolololol. I tried playing on expert and massively phailed. I don’t remember any of the names of the songs I played, except Hit Me With Your Best Shot. xDDDDDDDDD THAT IS MY FAVOURITE SONG ON GUITAR HERO LOL. <3

Pirkid 27 March 2009 Reply
Zhlink said: No. I’m more surprised you’re interested in women.
Are you really a..


I am too.
o.O Is that strange?

Ezyan 27 March 2009 Reply


ilu Pir.

Gujju 27 March 2009 Reply


and ello EZZY! <3

David 27 March 2009 Reply

I saw the video where that dude got it 100%.

Freaking insane.

SilverFx 27 March 2009 Reply

@Ez: Why Imppy hasn’t infected me about game consoles? No idea. ^_^; I’ve heard of the names but never really played on any of them. xD

Ezyan 27 March 2009 Reply

@Guj: Heyyy. <33

@David: Holey moley. 100%?! I can’t even get 100% on beginner. XDDD I phail just that hard.

@Zhlinky: AHHAH VOCALS. Half the time is me trying to guitar, the other half is me screaming at my friends because it won’t REGISTER my AWESOMENESS, GAWD. XD

@Silver: NOOOOOOOO you HAVE to play Brawl. If it’s the ONLY thing you EVER play on a console, play Brawl. XD

SilverFx 27 March 2009 Reply

I don’t even own a console =.= And laptops sure as hell don’t count, right?

Plus. I’m a mess at fighting games. ^___^ My only strategy is random button smooshing and Imppy despairs at me for doing that. 😛

Ezyan 27 March 2009 Reply

Finger bashing is nothing to be ashamed of.

I do it all the time, when I’m getting mercilessly beaten into a pulp. 8DDDDDDD

Doesn’t matter if you don’t own a console; just crash a house with one. ;D

Grimno 27 March 2009 Reply

*sees title*

I see what you did there…

David 27 March 2009 Reply

Rofl, me too. 🙂

Grimno 28 March 2009 Reply

I’m good at shooters.

David 28 March 2009 Reply

Yeah, FPS are fun. But only on the PC. :X

David 28 March 2009 Reply

Oh, by the way, Console versions have autoaim in them right? o.O

Vusys 29 March 2009 Reply

This blog won the QoTW. Grats.

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