By In Uncategorized

…aaaaaaaaand it's me again! Because I am a total loser and have nothing to blog about except my pathetic life (which you don't want to hear about and it will last for a grand total of about 5 lines anyway) and QoTWs.

Speaking of which, I always seem to have the most spam-like blog titles. I wonder why this is? *hurhur*

So. The big question. Online vs real life, how do I act?

Really, the main part of the equation is who I am talking to. I would sooner touch a spider and let it run up my arm, play with it, keep it as a pet and feed it three square meals a day in flies than start up a conversation with someone I barely know, over the net, and throw insulting YOUR MOM jokes at them. Simply speaking, like hell it would happen. (Just an FYI, I use YOUR MOM probably more than I breathe, but I'm a bigger fan of Dez's mom. ;D)

I know those jokes are just jokes.

My close friends know that those jokes are just jokes.

But random people I met two hours ago or something over an anime site, who are willing to pour out their life story 'bout how they were abused as a kid, almost sent to an insane asylum 13 times and go D&M about everything? (I'm sorry, I shouldn't make fun of this, it's just a little wave to Dez. 8D)

Nu uh. Knowing my luck, I'd get someone who could hack a system blindfolded with both hands tied behind their back and is a total pro at typing with their nose. In less time it would take me to consume Gackt's delicious body, I would probably have >9000 Trojans and viruses on my brand new MacBook.

Also I'm a lot better at lying over the net than I am in real life, but then again, who isn't? Ah well. At least you can't see me looking somewhat guilty if I tell you the gold vault is straight down this corridor and to the left, then right through the door where the horrible screams are coming from.

Now, in real life, that's a completely different story. I'm a lot looser with my brilliant repartee *cough cough*. The whole demeanour I can use is totally different, so it's much easier to tell I'm kidding around. Again, it depends who I'm talking to: some uptight 40 year old woman with a stick shoved up her ass; a guillable 10 year old (not that that stopped me from teaching kids what bukkake was a couple of years ago), or what.

…although if it's an online friend I just met IRL for the first time EVAR, that would be awkward. And I would be awkward. And I would have nothing to say, unless I knew them very well.

…so, yeah. The point is, GENERALLY my online demeanour is the same, except I'm nicer to strangers. Oh, and, of course, the most glaringly obvious difference is: I CAN'T MOLEST YOU FIND YOUR ISCHIAL TUBEROSITY FOR YOU HUG YOU AND PALPATE YOUR COCCYX OVER THE NET. D:

For which you are very sad about, aren't you? 8D


Indescane 30 March 2009 Reply
(not that that stopped me from teaching kids what bukkake was a couple of years ago)

You’re a total asshole.

Ezyan 30 March 2009 Reply

Says the one who just blogged about what a total asshole HE is.

Indescane 30 March 2009 Reply

Therefore I am an authority on the matter.

Ezyan 30 March 2009 Reply


AxiomFable 30 March 2009 Reply
Zhlink said: Mmm. Bukkake.

Remember, it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!


Ezyan 30 March 2009 Reply


As long as it’s someone else’s eye, I’m not complaining. ;D

Dest1 31 March 2009 Reply

Stop it Stop it! There should be an extra option to tag the blog as erotica, because I don’t want any bukkake (which is japanese fish) near my face.


Aaron 31 March 2009 Reply

Fight fight fight fight!

Nass 31 March 2009 Reply

I thought Bukkake was like…mass ejaculation or something.

Or maybe….?

FunnyFroggy 31 March 2009 Reply

It’s when a female traveler is very very thirsty, and meets a group of men who are willing to donate some liquid to quench her thirst.

Ezyan 31 March 2009 Reply

Well, I’ll be a lot nicer than I was to the people I told a couple of years ago and tell you NOT TO GO GOOGLING PICTURES OF IT. XDDDDDDDDD

MasterCheeze 31 March 2009 Reply

Aha, and here I thought the title would have nothing to do with the blog, but when I did my usual Ctrl+F for “bukkake” I hit gold! I swear I’m finding good topics in every blog I read now. ;D

Quang 31 March 2009 Reply

Bukkakes are disgusting Z_Z

Ezyan 31 March 2009 Reply


Were you around on PT when we discussed this? 8DDDD

Lithium 4 April 2009 Reply

I was eating pizza bread when I read this.
Thanks a lot jerks.

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