Is there an altogether different personality you have IRL? Do you talk/laugh/sing/dance/breath/spell/write/see/[insert verb of choice] differently? Or are you a well-balanced, single (or simple)-minded person in both dimensions?
Oh where to begin, I wonder? Well I have several different personalities. For VuTales and real life, I can be pretty easy going. I do random things, talk about random things, and sometimes make people feel a little bit uncomfortable. When I'm trying. But I enjoy making people laugh, when I do.
But that's for classes in school. Not in public. In public and for games, I can be pretty dead serious and even sound bored. When I get comfortable around people though, I would revert back to my easy going personality. But enough about me, shall I compare about things now? Yes? No?
OK, I shall compare Real Life to Online and totally rip off Dave cause I can and feel like it. Got a problem with that? No? Good, have a cookie.
OK, so let's take something like Mabinogi and smash it into real life like a stamp. Windmill. We all know it as a recognizable break dance technique. In real life, it's used to dance and sometimes hurt people if they get in the way. In Mabinogi, though, Windmill is used as a technique to damage foes. How is it different you ask? Well if real life, I don't think you can hit someone that's three feet away by invisible force. And I don't think you can keep spinning after you land a blow to someone's gut.
And failing at cooking in real life can occur to two things. You make something inedible or you set the kitchen on fire. Doesn't happen in games. Ever. Except for maybe The Sims but that's different. But you get what I'm saying, right?
I don't dress in black coat or have red hair or completely strong as you-know-what. I wear what I have and go with it. Although I like to have my hair grown out somewhat.
…I give up. Lost my point. Overall, I'd say I'm like myself online and in the real world.
Rofl, seems like you lost your train of thought half way through and just did [/endblog] XD.
I’m not used, to writing things on a single subject. Without doing some research anyways…
Jaja, I remember hearing your voice on Xbox Live. Dang, it sounds so nerdy lololo
Ok fine, I shouldn’t be talking. -smacks throat to make my voice deepen faster-
Rofl @ Dest
Dest, that might just kill you faster.
I should get one of those Larynx things to make myself sound like Mr. Roboto Jr!