[NDS]LPaG! Issue 2

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Hello! My name is Brian, a friend of FireLeo86. I am writing these things about gaming in general. I hope you enjoy reading it.

In the last Issue of Let's Play a Game! we talked about Yoshi's Island DS. Today, we're going to talk about the Nintendo Dual Screen game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorer's of Time/Darkness. Applause, shall we?


In the first game of this series, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team, the story was that you were a human that turned into a Pokemon, lost your entire memory, and have to stop a meteor from crashing into the Earth. Lame~

In this game however, you are a human who turned into a Pokemon and lost your memory. You wake up and meet a nice looking Pokemon who you aid in getting back a stone after it was stolen. You also find out that you have an ability to see parts of the future and past. Nice. You and that Pokemon then proceed to the Wigglytuff Guild to form an Exploration Team, which has a nicer sound to it than Rescue Team. As you proceed through your new life, a rumor is spread about someone stealing the legendary Time Gears which controls time. The entire Wigglytuff Guild goes on an Exploration and everyone is going. You and your partner explores deeper into the area called Fogbound Forest and eventually meet… Groundon! It was a difficult battle but you defeat it. Just then, it disappears and Uxie hovers up to you, telling you to leave. Your parnter explains why the two of you are here and that you're not going to cause any harm. Eventually, Uxie takes the word as truth and shows you Fogbound Lake and it's Time Gear. It's a beautiful sight.

A few nights later, Uxie is attacked and knew that he shouldn't have trusted you. The attacker tells Uxie that no one told him where this Time Gear was, for he knew it was here. There was a flash of lightning and the attacker is shown to be Grovyle. The next morning, the guild is accompanied by Dusknoir to protect the Time Gears. But where are they? Three were already gone, meaning only two remained. You and your partner enters a desert and soon find an underground cavern. You travel through it and find a lake. Suddenly Mesprit appears and attacks you without believing your story. After you manage to best Mesprit, Uxie uses telekinesis to talk to Mesprit telling him(?) that the Time Gear at Fogbound Lake was stolen by a thief. Just then Grovyle comes in, beats everyone up (still weak after that boss battle), and leaves with the Time Gear. What an asshole.

A day or two later, the Guild is told the location of the last lake. You and your partner head there and find that a beaten up Azelf has covered the entire lake with crystals, blocking off everyone from the Time Gear. Not only that, but Grovyle is here too. Let's kick his butt, shall we? But he's tough. Real tough. After you 'beat' him, the cutscene shows as if he beats you. He's then goes to kill your partner when Dusknoir shows up. They seem to know each other… But before you can see anything else, they teleport away.

The other guild members run up to you and takes you back to the Guild, along with Azelf. The following day you and your partner head over to town with the Guild and see the Legendary Trio reunited. It's a happy sight. Dusknoir explains that he and Grovyle are… Wait for it… From the future! He apologizes for lying to you all. He devises a plan to get Grovyle out of hiding. Everyone spreads a rumor that the Legendary Trio will seal up a Time Gear forever. So your current job is to spread a rumor. Piece of cake.

After days without any new results, a weird noise is heard. Dusknoir caught Grovyle! Hurray! Everyone heads to town and sees a tied up Grovyle ,with his mouth also tied up, two Sableye carrying the prisoner, and a dark hole. It's a hole to the future no doubt. The Sableye carry Grovyle into the hole, Dusknoir says his farewells. Everyone is sad that Dusknoir is leaving. He calls for you and your partner though. Your partner asks what is it. Suddenly, Dusknoir grabs both your little Pokemon heads and drags you into the hole too! What the flipping hell is going on?!

Hey, Brian again. Look, as much as I love to tell you the entire story, I don't want this issue to be only about story. So the story will be split up into three parts.


You– You take a quiz to see which Pokemon you'll become. You can be any of the Kanto to Sinnoh starter Pokemon, Pikachu, Meowth, Skitty, and Munchlax. You can also choose your gender, but you can still become a Male Skitty opposed to the previous game where the Skitty can be female only. So have fun.

Your Partner– You can choose your partner and it's name after you choose your Pokemon. It gets tricky here. If you become an fire/water/grass type Pokemon, you can't choose a partner of the same type or the Normal type Pokemon. If you become a Normal type Pokemon, the game will let you choose 7 out of 13 other Pokemon. If you become Pikachu, the game will let you choose 7 our of 12 Pokemon.

Wigglytuff– The leader of the Guild. He's a little silly and loves to make friends and have fun. But don't underestimate him. There's a reason why he's the leader of the Guild.

Chatot– The one who gives the Guild the morning briefing. He looks out for everyone and can be harsh when necessary.

Grovyle– The antagonist of part one of this story. He's from the future and steals the Time Gears. According to Dusknoir, Grovyle plans to permanently paralyze the world. He is seen being taken back to the future.

Dusknoir– A professional explorer. He's from the future and plans to foil Grovyle's hideous plan. He takes you and your partner back to the future.

Legendary Trio– Consists of Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. These three guard the Time Gears that rest in the Three Lakes.

Basic Gameplay

It's a dungeon crawler thing. You enter the dungeon and fight Pokemon that became enraged somehow. You main objective on each floor is to find the set of stairs heading down or up. On each floor you'll find items and money on the ground, which you can pick up. Note that you have limited space. If you hang around on a floor for too long, you might be swept away from a hurricane and lose some stuff. Don't do this.

You can take on mission requests before entering dungeons. Missions include delivering items, escorting your client, find your client, find the friend of your client, and other things of that sort. Unlike the last game, you also can combat criminals to get back items or arrest them. Some criminals can be tough at the beginning but at the late of the game, these guys are easy.

You fight by using normal attacks, Moves, and items. Normal moves are just a small punch or kick which do little damage. If you play any other Pokemon games, you know that Moves are the attacks Pokemon use to fight. Moves can hit enemies in front, two spaces in front, straight forward, around corners, the entire room, and around yourself. Some items can hurt enemies by inflicting status ailments, dealing damage, teleporting them away, or even get an enemy to become a decoy. After you defeat enemies, there's a chance that you can recruit them to be on your team.

That's the end of this issue. Next week, we'll talk about an old Gameboy Advance game, Mega Man Zero. I will also release special issues to continue the story of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorer's of Time/Darkness


MasterCheeze 14 April 2009 Reply

That was a good game.

MasterCheeze 14 April 2009 Reply

Fuck, can’t edit the last post. I hate how these games end up setting you and your main partner away from the land or w/e ‘cuz ur gettin’ chased and whatnot, and then your other members end up as shit since their levels aren’t that high. It’s getting ridiculous how people turn on you.

David 14 April 2009 Reply

I thought you were at school Cheeze. o.O

MasterCheeze 14 April 2009 Reply

Yeah, I am, it’s just that this site isn’t blocked for some reason. And since I’m constrained to only IE atm, I couldn’t edit my last post since the + doesn’t work I guess. Chat’s blocked though.

spygirl57 14 April 2009 Reply

I really like these Lets Play a Game! Issues.
There cool 😀
But I don’t know the games. ;__;
At least I know what there about, maybe I can try one of them!

Aaron 15 April 2009 Reply

I didn’t feel like getting past the Luxray part xD

FireLeo86 15 April 2009 Reply

I’m a Grovyle with a Piplup. I’m also accompanied by a Typlosion and a Lucario.

He’s a Charmander with a Chikorita. Accompanied by a Mew and a Celebi.

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