[Mabi]Fate- Chapter 1

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…The three of us sat around a campfire… Taking a quick break from the seemingly endless amounts of spiders…

…It was weak…! With this last swing… It fell…

…Mari…! I ran up and shielded her from the blow… Did I… Die…?

He gasped for breath, struggling to sit up. The young girl was taken by surprise, quickly standing. She ran to the entrance of the room.

"Morgant! Morgant! Ruairi's awake! Morgant!" she called out. No one returned the call, or appeared to head back to the room. Ruairi finally was able to sit up.
"Ahh… What happened?" he asked. "I dreamt so many things…" He suddenly realized something. He stood up and grabbed the girl by the shoulders. "Mari! Tarlach! Where are they? Tell me! Where am I?!"

The girl was shaken at his quick questions which seemed more like demands, though she did not try to show it.

"I-I don't know!" she cried. "Morgant rescued you while you were unconscious."

Ruairi, finally cooled off, loosened his grip on the girl. "Mor… gant?"

He felt a sharp pain and he released the girl. He clutched his chest and let out a cry of pain. The girl helped him towards the ground. After Ruairi sat down, the girl looked at him with concern.

"You can't overwork yourself right now, Ruairi!" she told him. "You had been unconscious for several years! If Morgant hadn't preserved your consciousness through magic, you would not have survived!" She looked at the entrance to the room. "Morgant should be here soon… He just went out somewhere really quickly. Just wait… Please… I'll bring you something to eat"

Ruairi had cooled off completely, forgetting his rage and began to look at his surroundings. His armor was gone and he wore a black robe with a brown muffler. The room was lit only by the campfire and the chandelier on the ceiling. The girl had sat in front of him. She had innocent red eyes and her hair was a light red, shoulder length. She wore a tan dress that went down to her knees. Large cloth that wrapped around the collar served as a muffler. She was around 14 year olds, many years younger than him. He scanned the room once more, noticing familiar looking walls. The locked door behind him was very familiar as well.

"Am I… In a dungeon?" he asked. He turned to look at the girl. "What's your name?" She seemed hesitant.
"…Triona," she answered. "My name is Triona." His eyes drifted down the the pendant that rested on her chest. It has the symbol of a Fomor on it.
"Are you a Fomor? You don't seem like one…"

Triona remained silent. The silence was her answer, and Ruairi looked away from her.

How can she be a Fomor? She seemed nice enough… No. Tarlach said that although we may show kindness to each other… We can't see eye to eye. I better not make any connections to this one…

One Comment

spygirl57 17 April 2009 Reply

It seems kind of sudden, but its still good. 🙂

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