I'm not coming back to VuTales, I'm just giving an update on Mabinogi Fantasy Life that has taken place as of last Wednesday. Why? Well I can't continue Mainstream until Saturday and I want to inform whoever plays the game somewhat of new things that went down.
Mabinogi Generation 9 Alchemy Update
-New Town of Taillteann implemented.
-New Area of Sliab Cuilin and Abb Neagh implemented.
-New Alchemy Skills implemented.
-New Shadow Realm and Shadow Missions implemented.
-New G9 Mainstream implemented.
-New Adniel Dragon Summoning Horn Bugle implemented.
-2010 Valentine Event implemented. [Ending at 2/23/10 or 23/2/10]
Taillteann, Sliab Cuilin, & Abb Neagh
Taillteann is a new area found in the Uladh Continent and provides a stronghold against the Fomors for the kingdom's capital, Tara. Taillteann is where the Alchemists and Tara's Army are found. Very recently, the Elf and Giant Army put aside their differences to aid the Humans with the new threat of the Shadow Realm (More on that later).
Taillteann provides the basics of Mabinogi, namely a weapon shop for all races, the Church, Clothing Store, General Store, Healer, Bank, and eventually will house the not-yet-implemented Farming System (Not farming as in gaining exp but normal farming). It's also the only place for Alchemists and Alchemists-In-Training to create Crystals and obtain Cylinders (More on that later).
To get to Taillteann, one must go through Sliab Cuilin or Abb Neagh, through the Uladh Forest in Dugald Aisle and near Rabbie Dungeon in Dunbarton, respectively. Located in Abb Neagh is a lake where people can fish for Arat Crystals needed to make Life Drain Crystals (More on that later). There is also, of course, taking a Moon Gate to Taillteann if you choose to. These new areas are large so it's recommended to have a mount (land or air) with you.
Alchemy Skills
What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is the study of using Erg to control nature in magnificent ways, in either damaging the enemy or protecting you and your allies. Or both. Let's run down the list of implemented and non-implemented Alchemy skills, shall we?
-Wind Blast
-Alchemy Mastery
-Water Cannon
-Barrier Spikes
-Mana Crystallization
-Ice Mine
–Summon Golem
-Life/HP Drain
Not Implemented
-Chain Cylinder
-Flame Burst
-Frozen Blast
-Heat Buster
-Metal Extraction
-Rain Casting
-Sand Burst
For now, I'll explain the Alchemy Skills that are currently implemented.
Wind Blast
How to get it: Talk to Eabha about skills.
Which Crystal it uses: Wind Crystals.
What it does: Knocks enemies back with a blast of wind.
Drawbacks: Not very strong. Will overheat the Cylinder if used 3 consecutive times.
Alchemy Mastery
How to get it: Equip a Cylinder. One can buy it from Eabha for 2,400G.
What it does: Enables one to become better in Alchemy, in damage dealing and in other Alchemy-related success rates.
Water Cannon
How to get it: Obtain a Water Crystal.
Which Crystal it uses: Water Crystals.
What it does: Launches a blast of water at the enemy at a fast speed. 3, 4, or 5 stacks will add power. Can bypass Defense if enemy is within knockback range.
Drawbacks: A single shot will launch all charges. Mana Reflector applies in the Icebolt type.
Barrier Spikes
How to get it: Complete Alchemists Seal in G9 Mainstream.
Which Crystal it uses: Barrier Spikes Crystals. You cannot buy these from Eabha.
What it does: It will act like a wall between you and the enemy, complete with it's own HP Bar. At higher ranks it will eventually start reflecting damage, enable allies to shoot through it, and allows even more spikes to be set up with a maximum of four.
Drawbacks: Unable to walk through them.
Mana Crystallization
How to get it: Learn from Dorren during G9 Mainstream Quest "Fallon's Request."
What it does: You basically turn Fireball, Thunder, or Ice Spear into Crystals that you can quickly use via Cylinder.
Drawbacks: If you don't have any of the above Advance Magic, you cannot make these, unless you request someone to charge the spell for you.
Ice Mine
How to get them: Synthesis these with one Ice Spear Crystal, five Unknown Ore Fragments, and five Clay Crystals.
How it's efficiency is affected: Dependent on the Ice Spear Crystal rank.
What it does: Any enemy dumb enough to walk near these will become frozen and take damage upon explosion. Can even cause chain reactions at a higher rank.
Drawbacks: Enemies can use these. Arrows and Magic can set them off which causing friendly damage.
How to get it: Buy the book from Dorren for 14,400G and advance read the book.
What it does: Basically it decomposes craft-able items to it's raw materials. A higher Alchemy Mastery and Fragmentation will increase success rates and what items can be Fragmented.
Drawbacks: NPC bought items cannot be Fragmented.
How to get it: Talk to Dorren about skills with Fragmentation already learned and at level 30.
What it does: The opposite of Fragmentation. You use materials to construct items. Some items have fixed recipes, others will have random recipes which can lead to excellent stuff.
Drawbacks: Random recipes usually call for expensive items create items. The stats maybe even lower than the normal items.
Summon Golem
How to get it: Buy the book from Dorren for 28,800G.
Which Crystal it uses: There are four types, Stone Golem, Forest Golem, Sulfur Golem, and Snow Golem. They cannot be bought from Eabha.
What it does: You call a Golem to fight by your side. Size and power is dependent on rank. Did I mention you can take control of it?
Drawbacks: It will not fight on it's own. It will only hit the enemy once if the enemy chooses to attack it. Cannot be healed or do any of the cool things a player can do. Like take control of another Golem.
Life/HP Drain
How to get it: Finish G9 Scouting Mission quest. Anyone can learn it if they accompany the player doing the quest. Warning! The player will have to fight Glas Ghaibhleann here. There are no Seal Scrolls this time. With 5 players maximum.
Which Crystal it uses: Life/HP Drain Crystals which cannot be bought from Eabha.
What it does: You drain the target of it's HP while adding it to your own. After it's down, the enemy will be knocked back. At higher ranks Drain time is shorten, though you drain more and faster. This skill at a high rank is a must for the future G10 Finale.
Drawbacks: You are vulnerable to being hit during this. Even by the enemy that you are draining.
Shadow Realm & Shadow Missions
A new threat to Soul Stream and Erinn has appeared in the form of the Shadow Realm. Tara's Army is fighting against the Fomors with help of the Elves and Giants, but it is not enough. What are the Fomor's goal? To destroy Soul Stream supposedly. What does that matter to you? Well, if Soul Stream dies, everyone who is connected to Soul Stream dies as well. Specifically the Player Character, according to G9 Mainstream.
The Shadow Realm currently consists of Shadow Taillteann, Shadow Sliab Cuilin, and Shadow Abb Neagh. The Fomors are constantly taking control and you must defeat them. Sign up to help via Shadow Missions.
Shadow Missions are new things that are fun and keep things crazy. Old dungeon tactics won't help anyone here, as the enemy are strong and numerous. Shadow Missions can be as simple as hit-all-the-orbs-in-the-area-to-fight-the-boss-in-the-square to difficult missions that could consist of defend-Shadow-Taillteann-from-the-Fomors-for-20-minutes-without-the-NPCs-suffering-from-too-much-casualties. Some missions will come with time limits, some will not.
And by the great powers of the Erg of Darkness, players cannot revive on the spot. You must have Nao Soul Stones or allies to revive you.
Go in a party or fail the mission, that's all I can say.
Generation 9 Alchemy Mainstream
I might make a separate guide for the mainstream.
But basically, Fallon has summoned you to aid in the battle against the Fomors in Shadow Taillteann. But before that, Gold Dragon Adniel has informed you that the Shadow Realm has imposed a threat to Soul Stream in which destiny has bounded the player to. That's definitely a wake up call. Throughout this Mainstream the players will face dangerous threats and strong characters.
But wait, you say that you haven't completed G1, G2, G3, G7, or G8 mainstream? Well don't you worry, because G9 is the start on Chapter 3, players complete this without having to complete previous chapters. Now to help sort out the chapters.
Chapter 1
G1 Advent of the Goddess
G2 Paladin
G3 Dark Knight
Chapter 2
G4 Pioneers of Iria
G5 The Desert Elves
G6 The Blizzard Golems
G7 The Heart of Courcle
G8 Dragon
Chapter 3
G9 Alchemy/Shadow Realm
G10 The Goddess of Light
G11 The Sword of the Gods
G12 Return of the Hero
Adniel's Dragon Summoning Horn Bugle
Obtained near the end of G9 Mainstream, the Dragon Knight can blow on this to have Adniel come to the player's add- In the Shadow Realm of course. Adniel will drop several hundreds of meteors onto the enemy to deal massive damage. Adniel will have to fly all the way in from Zardine in Iria so you better make the call in advance. You can also only use this once per ingame day.
The player can choose to destroy this but it is needed to finish off the G9 Final Boss. If you have not completed G8, then you cannot use this Bugle outside of the final battle. You must also have the Dragon Knight title equipped to use this Bugle outside of the final battle.
There is currently a situation where players equipped with the Dragon Knight title cannot summon Adniel to aid them. This is assumed to be a bug.
2010 Valentine Event
Love is in the air in Erinn. Kristell has called for you to help her make chocolate for Tarlach, the one she loves.
If you choose to help her, you are given a pass to Rabbie Dungeon to collect Magic Cacoa Beans. You will need five of these. The dungeon is also only one floor long and consists of five plant bosses with Ghost AI, though not too dangerous.
After that, you will have to go collect several other ingredients. A Courcle Coffee Bean found in a unique tree just south of the Tree Mark in Herba Jungle of Courcle will be need. One bottle of Vales Whiskey bought from Wanst in Vales in Physis too. Three Apples found in any apple tree will also be needed. Finally a Bottle of Milk found by milking a cow with a Bottle in hand.
Bring all of these items to Kristell and she'll ask you to choose a container. Paper, Sketch Paper, Bottle, Finest Silk, Finest Fabric, or Paperhat is what she'll ask. She won't accept the Sketch Paper so go bring her a Bottle. After that, she'll ask you to deliver to Chocolate to Tarlach. Do it and you'll get a keyword from Tarlach, who appreciates Kristell's gratitude and tells you to give Kristell his thanks. Talk to Kristell with the new keyword and she'll be joyful and give you a new keyword for your reward. What is it? Well, that's a secret.
A Succubus Hat and a Succubus Outfit for a three day borrowing period that only female Humans and Elves can wear. Pretty.
That's all from the new update, thanks for reading and what not. Oh and G1 got a recent nerf to make it incredibly easier than what it already was, which was easy. Be grateful, I spent all morning typing this thing without having breakfast yet.
Oh I'm hungry~
holy crud, you still play?!
It’s getting better and better with every upcoming content. Celtic Mythology is also very interesting, did you know that?
The Dagda, the Morrican..I love reading about that stuff.
What server do you play in? :O