About 3 or 4 weeks ago the final part of Chapter 3 has been implemented, G12. With this, North America Mabinogi is now tied to Korea Mabinogi, though Korea is about to get G13 which is still being tested.
New stuff in G12 include:
Two new Range skills
Two new Alchemy skills
Two new Demigod skills
A new PTJ
Giant renewal
City of the Gods, Falias
Mainstream G12
Skills are a key part in Mabinogi. Using these skillls and using them good along with quick timing usually make people a deadly force. Since Mabinogi battles are usually settled in a few quick blows, this is much harder than it sounds.
Support Shot
Support Shot enables the user to trade attack power for more speed and the ability to allow Knights deal more melee damage.
Support Shot is obtained from Trefor in Tir Chonaill by talking to him about skills after obtaining Ranged Attack.
Support Shot hurts for 80% of normal damage but aiming speed is increased by 130% of normal speed. Upon hitting the enemy, the next melee hit will deal more damage.
Crash Shot
Crash Shot, created from Alchemy and Magic, enables the arrow to explode into fragments, hurting many enemies close to the initial target.
After getting a Rank 9 Ranged Attack, you will receive a quest. Talk to Arawen in Dunbarton, then to Dorren in Taillteann. She requests that you give her 100 Unknown Fragments, obtained by using Metallurgy at Iria beaches and some rivers. Afterwards, you must go to Lassar in Tir Chonaill and she requests that you hunt 30 Laghodessas of any type. You will then obtain Crash Shot upon reporting to her.
Crash Shot will damage the target enemy once, then again as the arrow head explodes and fragments fly into nearby enemies.
Uses a vertical bow shooting animation.
Chain Cylinder
Alchemists with an understanding of Alchemy can quickly load extra crystals instead of one.
Get lucky when attacking an enemy with Alchemy to get this skill.
Chain Cylinder is an active-passive skill. You must activate it to use it, but after that the skills works on it own, enabling the user to load extra crystals when using Water Cannon, Flame Burst, or Sand Blast.
Heat Buster
Designed by the Corrupt Alchemists, this skill is very devastating but requires a large amount of pressure.
Upon reaching Corrupt Alchemist Amos in a G12 Shadow Mission, the player will learn the Novice ranked skill.
Heat Buster requires a large amount of pressure in the cylinder before being able to use it. To get this pressure, simply attacking with Alchemy skills until the skill icon is bordered by yellow. Then you must quickly use as the pressure will be let out shortly thereafter. Uses 5 Fire Crystals and will knock the character back a bit.
If the skill gets a crit, the character will be sent flying and land on their ass.
Demigod- Morrighan
As of the norm, G12 introduces two new Demigod skills, both belonging to the Goddess of War and Vengeance herself. However, she is said to be blind and therefore many believe that her skills are more on the defensive side than Neamhain's and Cichol's.
Wings of Rage
A flock of crows appear overhead the user, forming into a large crow. When thrown at an enemy, the crows will home in and upon crashing, will deal a splash hit. Note that this skills ignores enemy passive defenses. After the initial hit, the crows will continue to peck at the enemy for more damage before retreating. 10 second cool down.
Wings of Eclipse
A flock of crows surrounds the user and will begin to take any damage the user receives. The crows will also allow the user to continue fighting as he/she will not flinch nor even feel the hit. However, after taking enough punishment the crows will retreat and the user must wait 30 seconds before using it again.
Tara Bank, Keith's Part-Time-Job
Keith, very laid back as he usually is, needs people to work for him since there has been a large influx of mail coming in and needs people to deliver said mail. Doesn't sound too hard does it? Well, here's the catch.
Any players in the game, yes. Doesn't matter who or where they are, you must go and find them and give them their mail. Morrighan help you if you're told to deliver the mail to a dude who's afk or a bot. Luckily, said job gives you a huge amount of time to find and give them the package. But if you don't have any mounts… Good luck on finishing in time. Now, why would anyone want to do this job you wonder? A reward you can always get is a Falias Fragment, required to enter Falias. There is no other way to obtain these other than buying them from another player. Even Nexon themselves said that this job will invoke a huge amount of frustration on the player.
Giant Renewal
"Ice melts into water and flowers begin to bear fruit. Everything changes my solders… Giants are subject to change to." -King Krug
Giants have been known to be huge brutes and not look too good for anyone to play. They are also subject to Screwed By the Creators. This Giant renewal, however, changed Giants from the large tough guys they used to be into thinner and taller persons they gave up boxing for judo. Here's comparing my new giant (post rebirth and renewal) to my old giant (pre rebirth and renewal)
Giants were given whole new animations as well as obviously made to look more pretty. Fortunately, Giants were offered a free rebirth to change how they looked. Unfortunately, said offer is now expired. But who cares, noone here plays Mabinogi right?
City of the Gods: Falias
The City of the Gods is where Gods are born and recreated. The Holy Throne of Falias grants whomever sits on it the vast powers of the Grand God. Nothing much is there other than the Gate Keeper and plenty of Aonbarrs, a Wolf-Griffin thing. After G12, many people simply go here in a chance to obtain a Treasure of Falias, which grants bonuses to Demigod or the Brionac. Can't really say much about this, as I've never gone back after I finished G12.
G12 Mainstream
A vision. You see a figure, dressed in black with a pair of black feathered wings, standing in front of Claimh Solas. As he turns to face you, however, the vision ends. You are told by Sinead that some odd occurrences has been happening in Shadow Tara and you're told to investigate. After fighting past Golems and Sulfur Spiders, you see a little boy who seems to be a bit…odd. You want to see who his "father" is which he very much does. There, you see two more boys who are identical to the first one, eight Steam Ovens, and three Corrupt Alchemists. As you defeat these Alchemists, the children begin to feel pain and the Alchemists simply says that the experiment has failed. After defeating all of them, the children are on the floor. Dead. You suspect that these children are Homunculus before reporting back to Sinead.
Collen calls for you and tells you that Jenna has some important information for you. You must then go find Jenna who is in Shadow Taillteann. After fighting through waves of Fomors and natural Shadow animals, you find her in the square. She gives you some information regarding the Corrupt Alchemists and that their leader, Helvetius is still alive even though he was fried to a crisp by a reflected Flame Burst. She tells you to go speak to Priest James You are given a pass and must solo a small Peaca Dungeon floor. At the end, Helvetius wishes not to wage war with the other Alchemists and gives you a letter to deliver to Lennox, chief of the Royal Alchemists.
Upon giving Lennox the letter, you are told that the Corrupt Alchemist they have captured refuses and speak and that if he learns that Helvetius is still alive, he'll be willing to talk. You are assigned to be the one to give the news. Upon hearing this, he tells you of the incident of an incident that brought forth… The Return of the Hero. Upon delivering this news to Lennox, it is probably a good idea to keep this information on the lowdown. Sinead tells you that Leymore could use help in capturing a Corrupt Alchemist. Upon finding him, he tells you of his relationship with Lennox, his father and how they don't like each other much. After cornering the Corrupt Alchemist, you are given Heat Buster and told to go into the Underground Waterway to see what's up. There, you find a Goddess Statue, blocking the path forward.
Sinead gives to you a Bronze Badhbt Cath's Talisman which will remove this statue. Upon returning there, you face Nuadha, King of the Gods and the Hero of the war. He has expected you and says that his return was all thanks to you. The Destruction of Cromm Cruaich, the defeat of Claimh Solas, those two events lead to his return. He wants to reward not only you, but all Miletians, but how?
Simple. He will make you, a God.
To continue this, simply read it somewhere else or play the game.
Nothing else to say about this. There is a Double Rainbow Event today and yesterday that doubles everything, EXP Gain, Monster Item Drop, Shadow Mission/Quest EXP reward, Gold Drops, Lucky Finish Rates, AP Gain from Combat and Exploration, Food Restoration, and Skill Training EXP.
Best. Event. Ever.
I don’t know, I can’t get used to the graphics for Mabinogi. I think I’ll just wait for 2 or Dragon Nest. But Dragon Nest is just a cartoonish version of Vindictus with dungeons..
I don’t know, I can’t get used to the graphics for Mabinogi. I think I’ll just wait for 2 or Dragon Nest. But Dragon Nest is just a cartoonish version of Vindictus with dungeons..
Then your soul is weak if graphics is what stops you from playing a game.
Psh, graphics make or break a game IMO. They don’t have to be awesome, since I always turn games to their lowest settings anyway, but this is the only single game where I actually disliked the graphics. I just look at it, and my eyes burn.
That didn’t even happen for Runescape. D:
That didn’t even happen for Runescape. D:
Fail. Big time.
How can you not look at that hairdo and cringe?!
Which one are you talking about? The one that has the ponytail or the normal looking one?
Which one are you talking about? The one that has the ponytail or the normal looking one?
all of them
I’m confused. The one on the left looks taller and thinner, but also looks worse.
girl hairstyles are better. my characters are adorable :3
also, LAAAMMMEEE im missing everything! 🙁 but this computer cant even run maplestory let alone Mabinogi T.T