Reply To: I’m bored

Home Forums The Train Wreck and Forum Games I’m bored Reply To: I’m bored

darkness said: Read strategies and history of Starcraft?

yeah, while it was downloading I read about some strategies.

darkness said: Eat exotic/disgusting food?

darkness said: Build a flux capacitor?

I can’t even weld the most simple things lol.

darkness said: Build a cold fusion reactor?

It seems to me that cold fusion is just pathological science.

darkness said: Eat bugs?

that’s my cat’s job.

darkness said: Troll Maplers?

not playin’ until the 11th.

darkness said: Maple Trolls?

Trolls made out of maple.. that’s an interesting mythological creature you’ve got there.

greenelf said: Learn German?

Latin’s hard enough and I hate French. But, sometime in the future I plan to try and learn German.

greenelf said: Learn German?
greenelf said: Bake some cookies?

will do!

greenelf said: Play around with HTML5?

I always try to learn canvas and then I get bored.