Reply To: I’m bored

Home Forums The Train Wreck and Forum Games I’m bored Reply To: I’m bored

darkness said: Play with phone apps?

My entry-level android runs angry birds with kind of low FPS, but my friends love it and play it anyway.

darkness said: Raise a goldfish?

Cat would it eat! Here’s him.

darkness said: Ring a bell?
darkness said: Get a job?

When I finish with high school I’ll do part-time jobs while studying in college.

darkness said: Read what KMS is up to?


darkness said: Watch odd SC2 videos?

Already did! They’re fun 😀

darkness said: Get rick rolled?

Oh I forgot, here’s the best SC2 video I’ve seen so far.

darkness said: Dance like a maniac?

That’s how I normally dance.

darkness said: Eat cheese?

Will do. Can you believe one of my friends doesn’t like cheese? He’s abnormal.