I still plays. 🙁
Sashimi plays nao.
Syinx plays, but I haven’t added him. I dunno when he plays.
SaintOfSin…I dunno about him.
Ken lost his interbutts
Tar is busy with college
Sneha…is watching her parents sex
Connie stopped because Sneha’s watching her parents sex
Lee stopped playing for some reason
Jon stopped playing because he just did
Aaron…i dunno, I suppose Wayne got the best of him
David quit cuz he’s a poontang
Arly ragequitted because he couldn’t get it to work
Nass quit because none of us knew he was playing so never added him, and he emoquitted
Pir ragequitted cuz he couldn’t handle the pressure
And yeah…that’s about everybody. Shows who can and can’t handle RPGs.