Being the bored little critter I am, I’ll start a CYOA. Nothing to do with zombies or killing monsters or stuff. Let’s do a CYOA where…
You are [insert name] who is an otaku and loves playing games; especially MMORPGs. When in High School, you stayed away from people and proceed to play your Nintendo DS or Sony PSP. You never got a (girl/boy) friend or even had your first kiss. Currently in your college years, you have average grades but still retain most of your traits from High School. After classes are done, you immediately go to your dorm room and quickly finish any short-term assignments that you were given. Afterward you usually watch some anime, read manga, or enter a marathon of playing games. Most people don’t like you, you don’t like most people. Oh, and in High School you were voted Most Likely to Amount to Nothing.
Or if that’s tl;dr, let’s just say that You Suck you have no life whatsoever.
Class is over! As you dash out of the cage that the higher ups call “Learning Establishment of America” you wonder what you should do first.
A) Head over to your dorm room and avoid people as much as humanly possible.
B) Go buy some more microwavable meals, you ran out yesterday.
C) Proceed to break the fourth wall.
D) Proceed to break demolish SMITE the fourth wall.