Dealing with short blogs.

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    I was thinking of just making blogs that are under 140 characters automatically become a snippet/ tweet. That would mean that any blogs submitted that are under 140 characters become uneditable, don’t ever get to the front page, don’t appear prominently on the front page, and aren’t put into categories.

    Alternatively, I could have the site reject blogs that are under 140 characters and add a twitter system in on the side.

    Thoughts anyone?


    Uh, I think a link to a tweet page on the little link toolbar at the top would work.

    1.) Person puts in everything for a blog; however, it is under 140 or w/e characters.
    2.) Person submits and a message comes up saying something like, “Your blog is too short. If you do not lengthen it, it will be posted in the Tweet (or w/e you call it) section.”
    3.) Person makes the decision: lengthen the blog or make it a tweet.
    4.) Person goes with latter, blog gets posted into Tweet page, and others can see it and comment on it.

    That’s how I would envision it, but I’m not entirely sure how Twitters and its Tweets go.


    Sounds good.

    What about image tags and formatting, though? Those things only work if they’re just plain text.


    That sounds fantastic. I’m starting to get sick of these short blogs. >.>



    Cheeze’s system sounds great. 🙂

    Although make it 140 words, not 140 characters. 140 characters on average is about 26 words – which translates into about 2 sentences. o.o Even a a bit more than a tweet isn’t really a blog entry for a site like VuTales. If it’s a personal blog, that’s different, but this is a gen. community blog, and 140 words sounds a lot better. =X

    140 words is about 3 short paragraphs.


    Awesome idea 😮


    @David – meh, no need to enforce the automatic limit too much. That’ll just make people type filler text (which is easier to do against word counts anyway; “- – – – – – – – – -” counts as 10 words).

    I would say a dividing line of 200 characters is fine.

    Other detail suggestions:
    BBCode doesn’t count toward the char limit
    Block-level tags ([header], [img], [quote], [dividers] etc) don’t get parsed in snippets, and consecutive newlines are parsed into one (to keep vertical length small)
    Snippets have a liked-it but don’t count toward total
    On peoples’ profiles, appears in chronological order among blogs, but are categorized separately on main page

    Edit: And I see there’s a new (edit) thing.


    That was there for some time. 🙂

    200 characters?

    Still kinda iffy. :/

    How about limiting the amount of those you can do a day? So they don’t become facebook/twitter updates.


    And what if they do become like Facebook/Twitter updates? What’s it to you?

    VuTales expects its members to exhibit common sense; beyond that I don’t see a need to impose limits.



    Common sense.

    Did you look at the blogs lately?

    Do you want to read at the countless “I’m at a coffee house, oh hay look, a donut.”?

    + If VuTales opens to the public, that’s going to be everywhere. Better have a sound infrastructure in the first place. And the limit doesn’t have to be tiny, it could be 10 per 12 hours for ex.

    Why the heck do you have to be offensive anyway, I’m just saying.

    Vusys said: I was thinking of just making blogs that are under 140 characters automatically become a snippet/ tweet. That would mean that any blogs submitted that are under 140 characters become uneditable, don’t ever get to the front page, don’t appear prominently on the front page, and aren’t put into categories.

    Alternatively, I could have the site reject blogs that are under 140 characters and add a twitter system in on the side.

    Thoughts anyone?

    I would say 1000 characters. The above quote is already 444 characters with spaces.


    “All Word to number of letters calculations are done on the basis of an average word length of five, plus a space (5+1) = 6 characters per word.”

    That would roughly translate to 170 words,

    Which is three paragraphs,

    Which according to Annona, is lulz. So fail. 🙁 You gotta listen to Annona. D:


    too confusing I think I’ll just go with chez


    twitter sucks just go with the reject if under 140 words



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