You all know this. 🙂
Sign up by just posting. We’ll start after 5 people have signed.
The game basically works like this.
-Every player starts with 10 points.
-A player can post, choosing to heal 1 point from another player and hurt 1 point from a third player.
-The poster cannot heal or hurt itself.
-Once a player is dead (0 points) he or she can no longer be healed, but they may still post to heal and hurt other players.
-Posters cannot post within 3 posts of their previous one. Comments are NOT included in the 3 post count.
Pirkid – 10 points
Gujju – 12 points
Froggy – 2 points
I post: Heal Gujju and Hurt Froggy. Gujju goes to 13 and Frog goes to 1.
Sneha posts: Hurt Froggy and heal Pirkie. I got to 11, Frog is DEAD with 0 points.
Frog: Hurt Pirkie, heal Sneha. Frog can still post but he is out of the game. I go to 10 points, Sneha goes to 14.
And so forth.
The person who wins Round I may be awarded a special Award. 😉
The Players, Round I:
Pir – 13
Cheezy – 11
Annona – 10
Gujju – 13
SirPains – 11
Froggy – 11
Grimno – 10
SilverFx – 14
Chameleon – Killed by SirPainsALittle