“I’m fucking immortal and immune to anything the universe can throw me barring God’s divine smiting, but I can’t help myself for one damned second! Nyeh nyeh nyehnyehnyah!”
And yeah, for an invincible chick, she sure does need a HECK of a lot of saving!
LOL, I KNOW, it’s always about “saving the cheerleader”.
But she’s not immortal, she could have her brain removed, or if something dislodges her brain, she’s braindead, or someone rips her head off. So it’s always the brain/head/cerebellum/cerebrum.
What if someone sticks a sword in her heart and leaves it there? It would stop all blood flow. She’s technically dead until someone removes it, I suppose.
Not necessarily – just because you’re a vampire, doesn’t mean you’re immortal. Once a stake has struck your heart, you can’t pull it out, nor can someone else, and you revive.