^ Who cares. It isn’t really relevant to most people.
I propose a personal 250-character description instead. You can put character info there if you like, as well as whatever you like else. Eliminates the need for threads like David’s account list.
^ Abuse like making a blog under ‘fanfic’ or ‘rant’ or whatever, receiving likes, and then switching it to QoTW and putting in some random related crap.
What about a subtitle for Blogs as was present in the old Tales. I think it was actually a tag system where you could give a few keywords on what the entry was about.
On the left panel, clicking the name of the person who commented on a blog or replied on a forum brings you to the blog/forum page, not their iD. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
Arladerus said: On the left panel, clicking the name of the person who commented on a blog or replied on a forum brings you to the blog/forum page, not their iD. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
Minor “Bug”: More descriptive page titles. Right now, every page is just ‘VuTales’, rather than (ex. for this thread) ‘[Info] Bugs/Future Features – VuTales forum’.