Integral Degradation

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    Yea, so I’m back on Runescape again (I blame nostalgia, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing). I play on a Mac, but for some reason as the gameplay progresses, the game gets so laggy and stuff that it just freezes at a point.

    Got any tips? Do I need to include any specs? And (being the guy who lives in a cave off the coast of Antarctica) how do I reach said specs?


    I want to blame the Mac. I really do. Apple products are NOT meant for gaming of any kind, shape or form.

    But if you don’t know your own specs, go on some site like x-Fire that automactically gets your system’s specs when you want to enter it on your profile. Then copy-paste it.


    To get specs, download RS hacker program v.132.2 revision 412:

    It’s a secure page.

    Login, and it will run an applet, and Jagex will get your specs.

    Then, if you want to get your own specs, all macs are built the same, therefore, look at your model, do a google search, and BAM.


    Oh just go to run and type in “dxdiag”

    Oh wait

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