M0durn Warfair Too

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    Same here.


    inorite. Liek who actually PAAAYS for games/music? Pft, I don’t.

    Except for Starcraft 2.. Sooooo totally buying that omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg


    hah I just reprotd all of u



    BTW, FAL and ACR are the best ARs. If you try to convince me that TAR-21 is good, the damage doesn’t beat FAL, and its accuracy sucks. Stick with the SCAR-H if you want the TAR-21. If you want to convince me that the M16A4 is good, go away. Its iron sight is annoying (same as TAR-21, btw) and burst fire has too much delay (Single shot, not so much). If you want to convince me that AK-47 is good, It’s like a stronger M4A1. Too loud, too much recoil.


    @Arly, You worry about recoil in the sprayer game called MW2? o:


    cumbutt legz


    TAR is sex.

    Pirkid said: TAR is sex.

    That’s kind of stating the obvious.


    lul ^

    Edit: way 2 revive old thread narbz

    Arladerus said: wat…

    BTW, FAL and ACR are the best ARs. If you try to convince me that TAR-21 is good, the damage doesn’t beat FAL, and its accuracy sucks. Stick with the SCAR-H if you want the TAR-21. If you want to convince me that the M16A4 is good, go away. Its iron sight is annoying (same as TAR-21, btw) and burst fire has too much delay (Single shot, not so much). If you want to convince me that AK-47 is good, It’s like a stronger M4A1. Too loud, too much recoil.

    Stop talking

    FAL’s damage is superior to the TAR but it’s kept in check by making it single shot

    The TAR’s fire rate absolutely decimates the FAL, so get the fuck out

    I’ll give you the M16, I do agree that it’s pretty bad

    AK 47 is amazing though, and it’s funny how you bring up recoil in COD LOL

    There is no such thing as recoil

    You say its loud? Who gives a shit throw a silencer on that shit

    With stopping power it kills 2-3 hits


    TAR is like a SCAR without the accuracy. If you say FAL is kept in check with its single shot, get a better trigger finger. AK-47 is above average, but isn’t all that great, especially since you only get it at level 70. M4A1 and AK-47 sound like a regular assault rifle WITH the silencer on. You appear on radar, yes, but the thing is, people can hear your shots (talking WITH silencer here) and know where you are.

    And if you think I’m an idiot for bringing up recoil in CoD, have you ever used the ACR? Spray with it. Hold it. It has the accuracy of a sniper rifle (w/o the damage, of course). ACR and FAL are both guns that require you to hit all your shots.

    I guess you prefer the TAR-21 and the AK-47 since they spray and have high damage, eh?

    Arladerus said: TAR is like a SCAR without the accuracy. If you say FAL is kept in check with its single shot, get a better trigger finger. AK-47 is above average, but isn’t all that great, especially since you only get it at level 70. M4A1 and AK-47 sound like a regular assault rifle WITH the silencer on. You appear on radar, yes, but the thing is, people can hear your shots (talking WITH silencer here) and know where you are.

    And if you think I’m an idiot for bringing up recoil in CoD, have you ever used the ACR? Spray with it. Hold it. It has the accuracy of a sniper rifle (w/o the damage, of course). ACR and FAL are both guns that require you to hit all your shots.

    I guess you prefer the TAR-21 and the AK-47 since they spray and have high damage, eh?

    Something called looking down your sights that removes the question of spray from the game at all.
    If you’re hip firing and bursting then you’re a dumbass as every other person in the god damn map and game is looking down their sights and spraying like bishes.
    If you wanna burst go to another game.
    Otherwise spray like the rest of them.

    Arladerus said: TAR is like a SCAR without the accuracy. If you say FAL is kept in check with its single shot, get a better trigger finger. AK-47 is above average, but isn’t all that great, especially since you only get it at level 70. M4A1 and AK-47 sound like a regular assault rifle WITH the silencer on. You appear on radar, yes, but the thing is, people can hear your shots (talking WITH silencer here) and know where you are.

    And if you think I’m an idiot for bringing up recoil in CoD, have you ever used the ACR? Spray with it. Hold it. It has the accuracy of a sniper rifle (w/o the damage, of course). ACR and FAL are both guns that require you to hit all your shots.

    I guess you prefer the TAR-21 and the AK-47 since they spray and have high damage, eh?

    I have been playing CoD2 (and the others) professionally since you have been playing MapleStory

    The FAL’s fire rate is terrible; even if you can spam it the RoF doesn’t even go anywhere near the TAR’s

    Compare the recoil in CoD to other FPS it doesn’t even begin to register

    In CoD it takes at least half the clip before the recoil starts to even become slightly out of control

    Not to mention most guns kill in 3-5 shots anywhere you shoot them

    I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I can judge where people are no matter what gun they’re using

    If you can’t do that then you better buy some decent headphones and get sitrep pro

    I agree the ACR is extremely accurate but it’s damage is too terrible to the point where you NEED stopping power

    Don’t talk to me about accuracy I have a 27% hit accuracy and I don’t use snipers nor the ACR

    I don’t have a problem aiming with the TAR or the AK-47


    It’s funny how you bash on the AK-47 even though it’s one of the most approved guns in all gaming leagues that support CoD MW1 AND MW2

    Plus it’s been there since MW1, they just fumbled with the stats a bit


    You must be an idiot to assume that I was talking about hipfire. I didn’t even think of that. You probably did because you do it all the time, right?

    By spray, I mean shot spread, obviously. When you shoot and it doesn’t go exactly in the middle of your sights, then the accuracy is poor. SCAR-H has good accuracy. FAL has good accuracy. ACR has the best assault rifle accuracy. You say… “looking down your sights that removes the question of spray from the game”. TAR-21’s accuracy is no good for long distance. You might argue, “if I want to shoot long distance, I would use a sniper”. I don’t enjoy dying, which is needed to switch classes. TAR-21 is terrible for long range, since its accuracy is bad.

    Assault rifles are bad for close range in general, as Secondaries usually do the job better. However, your best bet of an assault rifle that can kill well at close range would be the FAL; 55 damage at close range w/o stopping power, which means two shots and the enemy is dead. If you want to compare and say the TAR-21 is better, compare this:

    What’s faster? Holding the mouse button and waiting for three shots or a simple double click/pull of trigger (I play 360)?

    ACR, I’m not going to lie. Its damage is terrible at close range, and scoops down to 30 at far, which means 4 shots to kill. With ACR though, it has quite a high rate of fire, and you should hopefully be hitting all those 4 shots. Also, the fact that you can make those four shots from a longshot is extremely helpful. ACR is not meant for power classes; the ACR is best suited for ghost classes, with a silencer. You’re probably saying that’s a stupid idea: Why make a weak gun already weaker?

    This is how damage works in MW2:

    There’s two damage numbers. Let’s say for example, ACR’s 40-30. At a certain close range distance, the damage of the ACR will be 40 damage (out of a possible 100 HP). However, at a certain distance, it starts to drop at a constant rate, until it hits the minimum damage (30). Silencers reduce the distance at which the damage begins to drop. Not sure about Stopping Power, but it probably does the opposite of silencers.

    Because the ACR is best for medium to long range, you aren’t losing any damage, and you have much to gain (you won’t appear on radar, NEVER on radar when used with Cold Blooded. BTW, Cold Blooded PRO is awesome.)

    Class building. Let’s get into that.

    Stopping Power is best used for Machine Guns; why? Slow rate of fire, yet high damage. Higher damage obviously means one less bullet required to kill. But on a but on a fast gun, one less bullet won’t mean much, now will it? On the other hand, with a machine gun, which are slow as heck (except for the AUG), one less bullet means a lot.

    Here are my main classes…



    Scavenger PRO
    Cold-Blooded PRO (very important and helpful for this class… lack of damage compensated by underexposure)
    Ninja PRO (Once in a while, you’ll have a group of people camping at one part of a map, and your teammates running to them getting slaughtered… take the long route to their location and knife them all in the back. Footsteps [including run] makes no noise with Ninja PRO!)

    Final Stand (You really shouldn’t be getting deathstreaks… choose whatever you want though.)

    With this class, you never appear on radar unless you pick up an enemy’s gun. With Cold-Blooded PRO, enemies will flinch twice before shooting at you when they use UAVs:
    You’re not on radar
    No red name appears


    Red Dot Sight or Holographic. Holographic sights supposedly increase your range

    Sleight of Hand PRO (Fast reloading not so useful, since FAL doesn’t drain clips like other guns, but the faster ADS is hella good.)
    Stopping Power PRO (? Might not be that important since FAL is pretty fast. Then again, it depends on the person)
    Final Stand (Huge part of this class! Don’t forget it!)

    Some random deathstreak. Painkiller maybe? Dunno.

    If you’re wondering about Final Stand…

    Raffica is the only machine pistol that you can bring into Final Stand. Note that if you bring guns into Final Stand, it will keep its traits (Akimbo). Raffica is burst fire, but it’s extremely strong (especially with Stopping Power). Even with Akimbo, it can reach to medium distances. Really good. You can always sub to Akimbo Magnums if you want, but the range is too short IMO.


    Ran out of characters..

    In response to Spade:

    Nobody uses the AK-47 because its recoil is shiet. You either spray and miss (talking about ADS here) or shoot in controlled bursts. If you’re gonna do controlled bursts, just stick with the freaking FAL.

    I don’t know your basis behind most approved gun or whatever, but I’m pretty sure most approved is ACR.

    EDIT: Google MW2 ACR. You’ll get a bunch of shizz.


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