Marvel vs. Capcom 3

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    Two more days, baby! Who’s all getting it? I got the collector’s edition pre-ordered, so I’ll have a neat one-month subscription to Marvel’s online comics, a DLC code for Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath, a comic, and some artwork.

    Oh yeah, post what system ya got and your PSN/XBL IDs so we can hook up. I’mma be playin’ dat online all day, so excite.

    Lastly, post your potential teams or character you wanna play too. I’m planning on using Chris Redfield, Deadpool, Spider-Man, and Dr. Doom. Arthur looks pretty BA too.


    Didn’t they announce a version of this game for the 3DS? That would be my preferred version.


    Nah, that’s Super Street Fighter 4 they got a 3DS version of. It’s an exact port of the console version, but take in mind that it’s not SSF4: Arcade Edition (which has Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu, Omi Akuma, and miscellaneous character changes).

    MasterCheeze said: Nah, that’s Super Street Fighter 4 they got a 3DS version of. It’s an exact port of the console version, but take in mind that it’s not SSF4: Arcade Edition (which has Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu, Omi Akuma, and miscellaneous character changes).

    Looking at Capcom’s support for the 3DS (have you seen those gorgeous RE games?), I wouldn’t be surprised to see it happen.

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