I’ve been working on a new BBCode parser aimed at fixing some of the shortcomings of the current one. Notably adding support for [nocode] tags, turning floating URLs into hyperlinks and detection of broken BBcode.
At the moment, I’ve only implemented the newer features and small subset of BBCode tags. I want to see if there are any show stopping bugs in what I’ve got so far.
There are two issues I currently know about and will work on sometime soonish:
Line numbering displayed for errors doesn’t increment inside [nocode] tags.
There’s currently no error detection for [url] tags
I’ve thrown together a quick demo script here:
Please try out the available BBCode and find any issues or quirks.
I’ve set the script to time out after 5 seconds in case of any infinite loops or other problems. All code generates a report like
this. Please link to it (if any
) if you find a bug.