I was thinking of ditching the current system of liking or not liking, and replacing it with a rating out of 10 (or maybe 100), then each blog gets an average rating, and ones with at least X votes and an average rating of at least Y will hit the front page.
How would this affect the total likes? Would you get a total accumulation of the points, or an average? ‘Cuz if it’s an average people would be more tempted to right full-hearted blogs instead of good ones mixed with shorter ones.
Most people would either vote 10 or 1. Anyways, Vusys! Your avatar is the Guy Fawkes monster that I used in my MS comic. =O Your new signature should be Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici!
It might be good since it’ll discourage less people when some have like, 5 likes on their blog and others have 20. It would probably be a good feature to have how many votes though. “109 votes give this blog a rating of 8.5” or something.