No more erotica

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    Nuuu! Pirkid’s blogs were teh awesome. It’s all Arly’s fault with his extreme descriptiveness and his horny anime girls avatars.

    FireLeo86 said: It might not be so useless if more people blogged once in awhile, but oh well. What can you do? We don’t have much gaming blogs anyways, usually just fan-fics, life, rants, or QoTWs. Don’t we have anyone that plays games anymore?

    Gaming in general is better than one obscure MMORPG having its own category. And don’t tell me it isn’t obscure just because you play it or your blogs about it contribute to 30% of the overall blog count at the moment.


    I don’t pay much attention to blogs really. So I’m not too sure about half and what the community does about blogging. So what do I know? lol.


    So, if you’re not here for the other blogs, you’re just here to be praised for your work? Low…
    Of course, if it’s not true, then please elaborate on what you do on here.
    Still, Mabinogi shouldn’t be allowed to have it’s own category. It should be removed. That’s like going to an electronics store and having them add two sections for iPods right next to each other. Completely redundant, and poor choice of location.
    Give Vusys and the rest of us one legitimate reason besides the lack of something, and we’ll consider it.


    Hip hip hooray.

    As for Mabinogi (Mabigoni? Whichever.), like someone mentioned, if it has its own category, then every other game has to have its own category. It’ll be tedious to keep up after a while, and not practical. Then again, its existence, even if pointless, doesn’t hurt. It’s up to Vusys.


    I find it funny that you didn’t expect people to rise to the challenge. No pun intended.


    … I agree I guess. Gaming is good enough. o: Just stop hating on Mabinogi. Srsly. IGNORE IT. kthxbai

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