Playstation Move

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    Hell, even:

    I found this amusing.


    Haha stupid Sony


    In order to have this work, you need to also buy the Playstation Eye and the Playstation Move itself. It will be bundled with the PS3 soon, but the price of the bundle will be very similar to what the president of the Sony Computer Entertainment Kaz Hirai said quite a few years back in an embarrassing E3: “Five hundred ninety nine US dollars.”

    SirPainsalot said: In order to have this work, you need to also buy the Playstation Eye and the Playstation Move itself. It will be bundled with the PS3 soon, but the price of the bundle will be very similar to what the president of the Sony Computer Entertainment Kaz Hirai said quite a few years back in an embarrassing E3: “Five hundred ninety nine US dollars.”

    1 PS Move controller
    1 PS Eye camera
    1 Game

    = 100 dollars


    Either way, 100 extra monies for a Wiimote ripoff completely original device is ridonkolous a very ingenious idea.


    Well, the Wii is like…I don’t know, 200 dollars?

    I already own a PS3, so the PS Move is basically a cheap version of the Wii, plus enhanced graphics that the Wii doesn’t have.


    Wii Motion Plus HD is all this is.


    Sorry, I couldn’t read your message through the awesomeness of Project Natal


    Have fun with your shitty games because no devs know how to use the thing yet. The first couple years of Wii controls were pretty poor. They’ve greatly improved over time, though. Playstation Move will have to deal with that AND a much smaller userbase. I really have a hard time seeing it succeeding.

    Also, I’m going to lawl at all the “hardcore” gamers eating this up even though they were like “WTF motion controls? GTFO” when the Wii was shown.


    isnt this the one where you are the controller? like your body? or am i confused with something else

    tarheel91 said: Have fun with your shitty games because no devs know how to use the thing yet. The first couple years of Wii controls were pretty poor. They’ve greatly improved over time, though. Playstation Move will have to deal with that AND a much smaller userbase. I really have a hard time seeing it succeeding.

    Also, I’m going to lawl at all the “hardcore” gamers eating this up even though they were like “WTF motion controls? GTFO” when the Wii was shown.

    I’m just glad I don’t need to buy a Wii to get the same capabilities of one for 1/2 the price!


    Do they all have to look like…


    Dest1 said:

    tarheel91 said: Have fun with your shitty games because no devs know how to use the thing yet. The first couple years of Wii controls were pretty poor. They’ve greatly improved over time, though. Playstation Move will have to deal with that AND a much smaller userbase. I really have a hard time seeing it succeeding.

    Also, I’m going to lawl at all the “hardcore” gamers eating this up even though they were like “WTF motion controls? GTFO” when the Wii was shown.

    I’m just glad I don’t need to buy a Wii to get the same capabilities of one for 1/2 the price!

    Do you understand the difference between software and hardware? Ignoring the complaints about lagginess from the Move and it’s simple inferiority to WM+ (although better than just a standard WM), you need software to “get the same capabilities.” No devs know how to use this yet. It’ll be the first couple of years of Wii software except without the excellent first party stuff. Has anyone besides myself played the games from the Wii launch window? The controls sucked. No one knew what they were doing. Releasing a peripheral like this only 2 years before this generation will probably end is not a great decision. You don’t have the first party development teams that Nintendo had to make the necessary quality software. It doesn’t come with every PS3, so the install base will be tiny. How can anyone think this will go well? They should have just waited for the PS4 and released it with it.

    Dest1 said:

    tarheel91 said: Have fun with your shitty games because no devs know how to use the thing yet. The first couple years of Wii controls were pretty poor. They’ve greatly improved over time, though. Playstation Move will have to deal with that AND a much smaller userbase. I really have a hard time seeing it succeeding.

    Also, I’m going to lawl at all the “hardcore” gamers eating this up even though they were like “WTF motion controls? GTFO” when the Wii was shown.

    I’m just glad I don’t need to buy a Wii to get the same capabilities of one for 1/2 the price!

    cheap azn man


    I honestly think the Gamecube is the best console made to date. Stupid casual console gamers and their wiggle waggle controllers. Grr.

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