Screw Farrah and Michael, seen Neda?

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    I heard about all three of these deaths in the same day. It was like, death overload.

    I didn’t even know who the hell Farrah was until now. Never heard of her.

    Michael I really didn’t care much about. I wasn’t around before he went wacko.

    I was browsing the internets and it seemed like a lot of people were making a big deal about this girl in Iran named Neda.

    I haven’t really been following the protests in Iran because I hate watching the news, but I figured I’d check and see what everyone was talking about.

    Holy. Shit.

    That’s the first time a youtube video ever made me choke up. I was so upset…


    Why would anyone record a video of a dead body and put it on youtube in the first darn place!


    To show the world the bloody mess that’s going on in that damned country.

    Aaron said: Why would anyone record a video of a dead body and put it on youtube in the first darn place!

    horrors of the iran peooples


    Meh, I know people who have family in Iran, and they’re not that worried about it… It’s an internal revolution – it won’t boil over, just over-hyped at times.

    Btw, you never heard of Farah b/c 1) you’re a girl, which means you probably don’t read racy magazines, ie. Playboy, and 2) she’s OLD. 😛

    Yes, Neda’s death is depressing – but compare that to the tragedies before…


    There are a lot of deaths like Neda, and yes, it’s depressing. But what are you going to do about it?


    Nothing. Look at Stalin or even Mao, millions died, life goes on.


    I threw up after I saw this after watching over a couple of times.

    Death really isn’t my thing.


    I could stand it… I’m used to blood. My face drains out every day from nosebleeds. No, not from thinking of nasty things. That NEVER happens.


    I get nosebleeds once in a while, but my face never drains. o.o


    Maybe you’re on of those guys who can levitate stuff in the air and such. And get nosebleeds each time you do.

    Oh and read minds too.


    Isn’t that telekinesis?

    There’s no relation whatsoever with nosebleeds Nass. o.o

    Pr0n however, does have a correlation with nosebleeds, apparently, the hotness hits you, and your brain loses control of some nerves up near the nose… can’t remember what the thing was called.



    In the X-files and liek Fantastic Four and stuff.

    I don’t get noebleeds from pron. Maybe they’re just noobs.


    Anterior nosebleeds make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds. The bleeding usually originates from a blood vessel on the nasal septum. Anterior nosebleeds are usually easy to control, either by measures that can be performed at home or by a doctor.

    It is little known, but your penis and inside nose tissues are made up of the same sort of thing.
    Some people sneeze when they have sex and sometimes decongestants can interfere with erections or delayed orgasm.

    Thus, when watching porn:

    Your heart rate will have greatly increased leading to a rise in blood pressure within your body. Also you will be tensing your neck muscles which may be slightly obstructing the venous drainage from your head.

    Both of these will lead to an increase in blood pressure within the blood vessels lining the nose and sinuses. If they are prone to rupturing then this is the time they will do it.


    I could only watch 20 seconds of the video, it was too disturbing…

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