-_- I must say, the local press is a bit slow about it, seeing how long the marriage system and Maplestory have existed already. Here’s betting Asiasoft (the local distributor of MS) paid someone off to write about them. 😀
Eum, ChickenMS/TropicStory have closed down. RageStory is still maintained.. Destiny and Desu are probably still open. Desu is a highrate, destiny is a lowrate.
lol they all got boring…half of them are uber rates and the ones that aren’t are welll…i miss dagon…i miss adding my own skills and waiting patiently to buy nx and all that bs
I’m tempted to start playing Global again, but not to really do anything. I want to put together an outfit that makes me look like Sylar from Heroes, and just stalk people around maps with a creepy F2 (I think thats what the hotkey for smiling was, right?…)