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  • #11069

    It’s a synonym poem >:O


    It’s a good topic, but sadly, I do not have any time today. Argh. Maybe the next one. 😛 BUT! I shall submit a mini poem that doesn’t make sense and I’m just trying to rhyme. 😛 Last stanza is bs cuz I needed to end it. :3

    I like to dream
    because it opens a magical gateway
    to anywhere in the world
    Dreaming is the best game to play

    I like to dream
    because it allows me to be whoever I wish
    I could be Bill Clinton, or even Anna Kournikova (thenlookatmyownboobs)
    I could even be a mean bish (deelolololol)

    I like to dream
    because to access it I must sleep
    Sleeping is such a good feeling
    It charges you up so you can go safely peep

    They all fit together, so I’m the king.

    So go fuck yourself.
    you fat lazy asshole.
    Sleeping on the job, you fucktard.
    It’s people like you that make me want to fucking rip your fucking stomach open and burn your innards, then cut them into little pieces, and sell them on the black market as ‘organic magic powder’ because since you love fucking sleeping so much, you can fucking go to sleep for eternity you fatass troll!



    For the lulz:
    Dreams are a nuisance
    Along with dreams comes nightmares
    Along with nightmares come the monster under the bed
    Along with that, comes reality
    The scariest dream of all

    Reality hints at the finer points of life
    Some of which you may defy
    Some of which you may be on cloud nine
    Some of you may wonder
    Is this a test of your metal? (<- on purpose)

    It’s been too long
    Since the last time I opened my eyes
    Since I last saw the real world
    Since I have seen reality for what it really is
    Just a big bad dream

    When you wake up
    You find the dream next to you
    You flinch at the sight as it consumes you
    You stare in awe as your dream takes you back
    When you wake up again

    You’ll be at the start of it all over again.


    dead poet’s society.
    good movie


    Bump for Pir’s sake.


    Lol, this just died.


    Pir’s late.

    Very late.


    Players: David, Lithium, Froggy, Nass, Aaron*
    Topic: Dreams
    Judge: Pirkid

    David said:
    David G.

    A blank slab of concrete,
    A fresh white sheet,
    A vacant canvas,
    That is the start of a dream.

    Stabs of paintbrushes,
    Colors are vivid and flushes,
    The white soon dissipates,
    That is the beginning of a dream.

    Colors flowing, growing, slowing,
    Images appear, vivid, sharp, glowing,
    A rapture to fully enjoy,
    That is the progression of a dream.

    Animals, plants, insects living,
    In perfect harmony, worth admiring,
    What’s that? A cloud? The Sun now blocked,
    That is the entry of a nightmare.

    Darkness invades, tears, destroys,
    Blurs the colors, shades and decoys,
    The once beautiful colors are gone,
    That is the start of a nightmare.

    The forest, touched by lightning, is set on fire,
    Animals flee, insects burn, plants scream in a choir,
    Help us! Help us! Pray help us all!
    That is the beginning of a nightmare.

    Everything burned to a crisp,
    The ashes scattered, in the distance, a wisp,
    The wind blows over the barren land,
    That is the progression of a nightmare.

    Out of the shadows, emerges a light,
    A swirl of color, glowing so bright,
    It touches the ground, and illuminates the dead,
    That is the power of dreams.

    Powerful. It seemed to flow at the beginning, at then take some awkward turns and misleading lines. But it is the essence of the power of poems. It tells a story but at the same time, it’s a description.

    Lithium said:
    See you there, By Jonathan W.

    How often
    when the jingle of thoughts
    here cross the great divide
    that is of you and me?
    Little spaces,
    incomplete turns,
    that both rebel and yet,
    When the song is right,
    harmonizes so well
    That we forget the differences.

    Many the dreams that rattle
    within our battle
    of being
    that we cannot negotiate a path
    that runs finely,
    to the set patterns that are our lives.

    But I remember.
    Know well
    that inside out of you,
    The little glimpses that once were
    are yet
    and swerve to the marvel
    of each image you portray
    Somewhere despite the vast
    that ride along side our dreams.

    I’ll meet you there.

    Cute. Something to be read to someone special. Someone that could understand it, at any rate. Amazing descriptions, flowed well, but a bit jerky to read.

    Nass said:


    Woolgather, Stargaze,Daydream
    If only they would come true…

    The End.

    Okay, nice words. It’s a true story, if dreams could come true, if only.

    Aaron said:

    Dreams are a nuisance
    Along with dreams comes nightmares
    Along with nightmares come the monster under the bed
    Along with that, comes reality
    The scariest dream of all

    Reality hints at the finer points of life
    Some of which you may defy
    Some of which you may be on cloud nine
    Some of you may wonder
    Is this a test of your metal? (<- on purpose)

    It’s been too long
    Since the last time I opened my eyes
    Since I last saw the real world
    Since I have seen reality for what it really is
    Just a big bad dream

    When you wake up
    You find the dream next to you
    You flinch at the sight as it consumes you
    You stare in awe as your dream takes you back
    When you wake up again

    You’ll be at the start of it all over again.

    The first paragraph was like something you’d find on a poster. 🙂 A good thing, it’s one of those well done posters with pretty colors.
    A great story behind the words. A bit repetitive and a tiny bit cliche.

    FunnyFroggy said:
    I like to dream
    because it opens a magical gateway
    to anywhere in the world
    Dreaming is the best game to play

    I like to dream
    because it allows me to be whoever I wish
    I could be Bill Clinton, or even Anna Kournikova (thenlookatmyownboobs)
    I could even be a mean bish (deelolololol)

    I like to dream
    because to access it I must sleep
    Sleeping is such a good feeling
    It charges you up so you can go safely peep

    They all fit together, so I’m the king.


    Awkward. The words speak truth. But this is more of a poem that a genius baby in diapers would be reciting to their piano teacher. Wordy, but not yet reaching refined.

    David: 9/10
    Lithium: 8.5/10
    Nass: 4/10
    Aaron: 6/10

    I really wish I could have tied David and Lithium. Both poems were powerful messages, emails to the soul.


    Can i submit the one in my blog?


    Err, that’s Nass’s call.

    Okay, we need a new judge, topic, and players for Round 5.


    Yeah, you can post it in your blog. I’ll just take note that it’s for here too.

    Topic: Prom?

    I’ll play.

    Nass said: Yeah, you can post it in your blog. I’ll just take note that it’s for here too.

    Topic: Prom?

    I’ll play.

    Meep, why would you do this to me, and yourself – we have no personal experience. 🙁


    I’ll play.


    I’m in.

    Participant << Some of my poetry. Feel free to pit it against whomever you wish <3

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