The “I wish” Thread

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  • #3297

    Facing reality is stupid anyway.

    I wish:
    -Mobile Suits were real, that would be awesome to walk around in.
    -Planet Earth had Pokemon on it
    -I could go forward/back in time.
    -Schools/Media didn’t have to brainwash us into believing the things we believe in.
    -We knew why we’re on this planet. Being called a Mormon sucks.
    -Aliens visited this place.
    -The world ended in 2012.
    -But then again, i don’t want it to end if it’s going to.
    -February had enough days
    -March came faster than it’s supposed to.
    – Youtube wasn’t called something so stupid as YouTube.
    -Dinosaurs were still alive.
    -We’d hunt an endless supply of animals for food.
    – That Battleship game cover that had the woman and the daughter in the kitchen, cleaning dishes was still around. I want to see it in person.

    Wat u wish 4?


    I wish:
    -I could fly either myself or on some winged beast.
    -I had billions of dollars so I could buy all the cars I’ve always drooled after AND establish my own F1 team.
    -I had crazy amazing driving skills (that’s not to say my skills aren’t impressive as is).
    -I was some super athlete.
    -I could live forever.
    -I had someone to live forever with.
    -Everyone was smarter.


    I wish:
    – I didnt need to go to school so freaking early everyday
    – I had a singing voice and other amazing musical skills so I could form a one person band
    – I had monehs. Because you know. Its nice.
    – Twilight didn’t exist
    – I wasnt so hungry all the time
    – for ‘true love’?
    – for pokemon too (always been a childhood fantasy 🙂 )
    – I had a maid to do my chores
    – Public transit was free
    – No one was alone


    oh and world peace.


    Pokemon mostly… Although the Mobile Suits from 00 were pretty awesome, especially with the Trans-Am system. Also, being half as good an artist as my friends… that would be awesome.

    … Probably lots of other things too, I just can’t think of any at the moment.

    Oh, and being able to fly without needing to be in a plane or anything. (:


    I wish:
    – My birthday was on Valentines instead of two days later. How awesome that would be.
    – I had the ability to manipulate time.
    – The stereotypical future would get here already. Damn it, where’s my flying car!?
    – I could be an actor in the film industry. :>
    – that there was no homework and school is just lecture, lecture, lecture, test.
    – I had better study skills.
    – I wish I was a better Asian. :'(


    I wish:
    – I would set my priorities straight
    – I had a real pokemon as a pet
    – Mobile Suit, yes

    A wise man once told me more money, more problems


    -without Kayne West


    I wish:

    – The earth turned slower so I would have more time to do all the stuff I want to do.
    – I could pursue animation/filmmaking and follow through with my one-man band plans professionally without having to worry about my continued survival.
    – The world population growth rate would drop to zero. And maybe decrease a little. Then go back to zero.
    – I could have save points in my life so if I screw something big up I can do it ’till I succeed. Like AC2.
    – I can spend some time in outer space doing some crazy shiz.
    – Digicel Flipbook 6 would stop crashing on me.
    – That my computer was newer and faster.
    – I was better at managing time.
    – I can actually complete one of my crazy story ideas, both in writing and in art.
    – Said story becomes a game I can develop.

    And so on. Dang, I’m really dissatisfied with my life.

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