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    Transformice is a fun flash game that’s multiplayer. The concept is simple, the execution is brilliant. Arly introduced this to me, although it’s been popping up on BasilMarket a lot lately.

    Anyway, there’s a group of MICE. One mice, (or two, depending on the level), is a special Shaman. The shaman has the ability to conjure up objects (again, decided by the level), in order to reach the cheese. The goal is to guide all the other mice to the cheese and back to the mouse hole safely – without killing them.

    If you want a quick look at the game, I suggest you watch this video:

    Here’s a quick tutorial on Shaman’ing (the best way to learn is through experience):
    Clicking on an object then clicking/holding on the screen conjures the object.
    Pressing SPACE before conjuring toggles the invisibility of the object to mice – objects will always be affected by other objects.
    Pressing z,x before conjuring changes the direction.
    Pressing c, creates a yellow joint at either the ends, or in the middle of the object, depending on the object. Yellow joints are strong, and can be attached to other objects, can support itself.
    Pressing v, creates a blue joint at either the ends, or in the middle of the object, depending on the object. Blue joints are weak. They can be attached to other objects, but without support, will fail.
    Pressing b, creates a red joint in the middle of the object, these are absolute – meaning they will be stationary everywhere. However, the object will spin if the object with the red joint is not locked up by other objects.
    Pressing n creates spinning joints, these joints will spin in the direction of the arrow. Attached two planks with these joints will create a basic elevator.
    Balloons can also be attached to objects by pressing c,v, or n.
    The rest is up to you to experiment with.

    Transformice Server #2 (recommended)
    Transformice Server #1 (not recommended)

    So because Lith suggested it, perhaps we could skype while playing Transformice, but I don’t know if that’s gonna work out – if enough people join, I’ll make a room or something.

    Skype Client
    Speakers and/or earbuds with mic


    Er, right.

    To play together, let’s try to be here around 9-10 PM EST, since that’s the time most people are at home.

    Server 2.

    Room: VuTales

    To join the room, type in /room VuTales

    Case sensitive!

    If no one’s here today, maybe we’ll do weekends then.


    Sounds interesting.
    I’m not sure if we’ll garner too many people though, since this being VuTales.
    But it’s worth a try.


    Well, a bunch of us played last night for quite some time.


    the hell?

    I wan pleh 2


    Oh, it’s the most fun with a few people, like 5~6. Last night it was like, Me, Pirkid, Wayne, Connie, Cynthia, and Lith. Then lith went and Arly came and I had to go.. didn’t know what happened after. 😛


    Connie you say?

    Go on…

    Nass said: Connie you say?

    Go on…


    And then her and Arly were connected at the hip for 2 games and I was all alone..


    We are PLAYING now. 9:30 PM EST. Room VuTales, server 2.

    David said: Wayne


    Anyway, I’d play but I gotta go to the airport tonight. If possible, maybe I can play when I find a computer.


    I d/ced
    Helluva a fun and easy to use too (except maybe for the shaman, but I think I got it now).


    Game’s pretty kewl.
    I don’t really know what to do yet (This thread is WAYYYYY too long)

    but it’s fun watching us kill each other and use words that shouldn’t be repeated here 🙂


    Actually I think Transformice first popped up on Reddit.

    Go Reddit!

    Shaman’s Guide to Everything



    There are 4 “hinge” properties and one transparent property. You can only use one hinge per object, but you can use the transparent property regardless of the hinge used.

    C – Stiff hinge; does not move. This can only be used by connecting to an existing object (and movable parts within the map itself).
    V – Relaxed hinge; moves when physics tells it to do so (wind, cannonballs, mice, gravity). This can only be used by connecting to an existing object (and moving parts within the map itself).
    B – Static hinge; relaxed. This one will always by at the centre of the object you decide to give this hinge to. This hinge will ALWAYS stay in place, but can also spin around the hinge. C and V are usually attached to B.
    N – Rotating hinge; automatically rotates forever. This can only be used by connecting to an existing object (and movable parts within the map itself).
    Space – Transparent; changes objects so that you can walk through them but still affect other objects.

    Bridges over two points without a big gap can be simply covered by using a large plank. However,

    okay screw this figure it out for yourselves


    Basic Anchor:

    Take a bridge, give it a world (static) anchor by pressing B once, and ghost it by pressing space. (Ghosting means players can pass through but objects can’t.)
    Then add a nother bridge too it by pressing C twice, rotating using X and Z, and summon.

    Box Ramp:

    Basic elevator:

    Box elevator:


    Olly is the BIGGEST troll shaman =(

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