Vutales Writing Games

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  • #2783

    Welcome all. This game is roughly a writing competition between users. They can engage in battles, 1v1 or team. They can also write many other kinds of literature for this, such as romance and comedies. This system encourages new writers to work within a time limit and also to sharpen their writing skills.

    [color=]1. One battle consists of 10 chapters, the users trade off chapters. The chapters must be at least 4 pages or more.[/color]
    2. The time limit is two weeks. If you pass the limit, you will be disqualified.
    3. No cheating. This means no plagiarizing, etc.
    4. You must pick up where the last chapter took off.
    5. Always obey the rules. If you don’t you are disqualified.
    6. I will pick the most experienced writers for the judges.
    7. Because team battles have more people, 2v2 battles must consist of 20 chapters, 3v3 30, and so on.
    8. You must stop the chapter at a exciting point of the story so your opponent can continue from there.
    9. When one member of a team battle cannot finish his/her chapter in due time, then he/she may swap with his/her team member. The teammate will have a week to finish. This only applies to team battles and can only be done when the selected member has under one week to do it.

    Souseiki / Character Page:
    Battling Froggy and Reve (aka. Freve) with Nass.

    MasterCheeze / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    FunnyFroggy / Character Page:
    Team battling Souseiki and Nass with Reve.

    Wsxedcr08 / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Fireleo / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Nass / Character Page:
    Battling Froggy and Reve (aka. Freve) with Souseiki.

    Guosim / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Dest1 / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Reve / Character Page:
    Battling Souseiki and Nass with Froggy.

    Sirpainsalot / Character Page:
    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Not yet initiated in a battle.

    Chapters 1 and 2: AxiomFable

    Chapters 3 and 4: AznRiceFan

    Chapters 5 and 6: Reve

    Chapters 7 and 8: MasterCheeze

    Chapters 9 and 10: FunnyFroggy

    PM me if you want to drop out or battle someone. Make sure to PM your opponent and ask if s/he wants to battle with you.

    Teams are 2v2 or 3v3. Always have an equal number of opponents in each side. Choose a ‘leader’ for each party. Then choose a location. Decide for yourself who goes first.

    Post your chapters in this thread, and I will add them into the first thread. I’ll add the judge’s points in here too. Do not try to persuade the judges to give you more points.

    Judges PM me your points and I will add them to this. Rate your points based on a scale out of 10. You can also give them advice if you want to.

    If I overlooked anything, please let me know. Otherwise, please enjoy yourselves in making these chapters. If you have any questions, please post them.

    For team battles you don’t have to add all the people in at the first chapter or at the first moment. You can add them later on.

    Judges, when you’re in a battle, don’t give yourselves more points… judge it like you would normally.

    First Team Battle – Reve and Froggy vs Souseiki and Nass

    First Chapter – Done by Souseiki
    Second Chapter – Done by Reve
    Third Chapter – Done by Nass
    Fourth Chapter (-istoolazytoupdate-)-
    Fifth Chapter –
    Sixth Chapter –
    Seventh Chapter –
    Eighth Chapter –
    Ninth Chapter –
    Tenth Chapter –
    Eleventh Chapter –
    Twelth Chapter –
    Thirteenth Chapter –
    Fourteenth Chapter –
    Fifteenth Chapter –
    Sixteenth Chapter –
    Seventeenth (?) Chapter –
    Eighteenth Chapter –
    Ninteenth Chapter –
    20th Chapter –

    First Chapter – Judged by SouseikiCreativity: 8/10
    Editing: 8/10
    Descriptive: 7 1/2/10
    Grammar/Spelling: 10/10
    Flow: 8/10

    Second Chapter – Judged by SouseikiCreativity: 7 1/2/10
    Editing: 9/10
    Descriptive: 9/10
    Grammar/Spelling: 10/10
    Flow: 8/10

    Note: I’ve got to say, this is one of the best chaps i’ve read.
    Third Chapter – Judged by AznRiceFanCreativity: 6
    Editing: 7
    Descriptive: 6
    Grammar/Spelling: 8
    Flow: 9

    Honerable mention to Zhlink, who is drawing a comic of the battle xD


    lululu migration




    So, a restart is in order?


    uhh..whatdya mean? :O


    o.O so more people can join I suppose.



    I was hoping someone would start this game here!

    …damnit I would join but I’m going overseas in a week. D<



    Updated. switched off my position as a judge to axiomfable. 🙂


    Okay, I’m just about done so we can get this thing started again!
    Actually, I’ll finish right now!


    First chapter is overly descriptive, interrupts the flow a bit. Not natural enough.

    Second one is a bit clunky, lacks the drama aspect.



    Okay, the points are up. I also switched Judge 2 with AznRiceFan.


    So…Froggy is next right?


    yeah. i told him on msn.


    I wanna make a slapstick comedy with Dest D;

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