I’m afraid to post because i don’t wanna get spammed again. Should i even bother with the saps or NM?
NM is this story i started 2 years ago, about an evil group of bowmen who make maple a horrible place to live, and how they kidnapped magicians and sold them as slaves. The saps were a typed up journal thingy about the bowmen. NO IM NOT starting at chapter 1 if i post anything from NM, i’d start a few chapters from where I left off.
OR should I start a completely new fanfic series?
cast your votes
_ NM starting episode 60 (first ep of season 2)
_MapleSAP justice arrow?
_new series? (it juuuust might include characters from nm)
cast your votes while Jeopordy music plays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPl5Dx2qQuA&feature=related