Um, I’m a level 30 Rogue…
The game sucked balls the first time I tried it. Massive lag, so many people you could hardly kill anything (Carrot Seeds!!!! Anyone who played in the first few hours will know what I mean). Then, it calmed down, and it got better. It involves a lot more thinking than MS. A rogue’s attack consists of a tripple slash thingy, and then a down slash. However, you can replace the down slash (only hits once), with skills. The issue is the skills have cooldown, so it’s a balancing act of trying to do the most damage possible, while containing mobs, responding to the environment, and avoiding damage. It’s pretty cool. Plus, you can pretty much do quests the whole way. There are missions (i.e. defend this pillar while destroying the enemy’s pillar), and tons of bosses that give amazing exp. I’ll prob write a blog about it in a little bit.