Your weird gaming habits/necessities

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    Yeah just some weird gaming habits/necessities.

    For me, I slow walk too much, try to no scope too much, and reload too often.
    The reload thing is mainly off the deagle since 3 shots and their usually dead so I reload. Off chance their alive, I get pwned.
    And I also have to have some sort of headphones/earbuds on/in. Don’t know why, just have to. Even if the sound is off, I fail miserably without em on/in.

    How bout you Vutalers?


    Foxtrot to pivot shield hyphen USmash all day.


    When I play video games now (mostly at friends cuz My xbox isn’t used much) and we’re online or something.
    I recite song lyrics sung by Justin Bieber into my mic.
    Lemme show you what you’re missing…
    *Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber “Eenie Meenie”*

    OT: Music always. I need food with me at all times. My hood HAS TO be on. And I have to be talking to someone, or something while I play


    I lean alot. Like if I’m getting shot at like lean to the side I’m running. In Halo (all I play, really) I can’t have grenades. I use them up at the beginning of the game. Only pansies use grenades.

    Nass said: When I play video games now (mostly at friends cuz My xbox isn’t used much) and we’re online or something.
    I recite song lyrics sung by Justin Bieber into my mic.
    Lemme show you what you’re missing…
    *Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber “Eenie Meenie”*

    OT: Music always. I need food with me at all times. My hood HAS TO be on. And I have to be talking to someone, or something while I play

    You would be so fucking annoying to play against.

    Dest1 said:

    Nass said: When I play video games now (mostly at friends cuz My xbox isn’t used much) and we’re online or something.
    I recite song lyrics sung by Justin Bieber into my mic.
    Lemme show you what you’re missing…
    *Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber “Eenie Meenie”*

    OT: Music always. I need food with me at all times. My hood HAS TO be on. And I have to be talking to someone, or something while I play

    You would be so fucking annoying to play against.

    I always single out the fags who sing into xfire first ^_^


    Automatic Reloading Syndrome

    Spade said: Automatic Reloading Syndrome

    I spend one bullet out of a clip of 40 and I cannot, for the life of me, play normally without reloading, my skill literally turns to shit because I can’t concentrate.

    I also tend to build very defensively in strat. games. I never rush or open attack until I have a battalion of units ranging from stealth to power.

    Err..I stick my tongue out alot. Mother says I just move my jaw when I concentrate…but now I’m scared as to what the females think when that happens.

    Pirkid said:

    Spade said: Automatic Reloading Syndrome

    I spend one bullet out of a clip of 40 and I cannot, for the life of me, play normally without reloading, my skill literally turns to shit because I can’t concentrate.

    I also tend to build very defensively in strat. games. I never rush or open attack until I have a battalion of units ranging from stealth to power.

    Err..I stick my tongue out alot. Mother says I just move my jaw when I concentrate…but now I’m scared as to what the females think when that happens.

    There is a name for it now? o:
    ARS syndrome…me likey.
    Yeah, I have my mouth open half the time…more like an “o” open…kinda weird if i notice it.


    In MW2 I’m always rushing in since I’m playing Ground War a lot, and I NEVER use my kill streaks until I die.

    My KDR would be so much higher (it’s 2.39 now) but I’m always caught up in fire fights in the hottest spots on the map most of the game so I never think of using it.

    I actually got to a 13 kill streak (without rewards) before using my Predator and AC-130, which got me my first nuke.

    If I were to play more conservative, I’d be calling in the big ones more often. But the thing is I can’t STAND not being able to find an enemy for more than 10 seconds, so

    I always bum rush it.


    In FPSes, I’m not that aggressive.
    I literally own shit when I am, but sometimes I want to add some stealth. That’s my downfall.
    Sometimes on ADS I can panic and basically screw up my sight. I get killed soon after.
    And of course, automatic reload syndrome. But I learn not to EVER do that with LMGs.


    ARS is something people have a problem with usually. However, I have this one game on PC that is realistic: Instead of showing how many more bullets you have, they tell you how many magazines you have, max usually 4 or 5. So let’s say you have 29/30 bullets in clip, you reload…

    You just lost 29 bullets.


    I have ARS(especially with LMGs), tendency to bark at people, way too aggressive. I also tend to slowly shift towards the screen.

    DarkDragoon said:

    Dest1 said:

    Nass said: When I play video games now (mostly at friends cuz My xbox isn’t used much) and we’re online or something.
    I recite song lyrics sung by Justin Bieber into my mic.
    Lemme show you what you’re missing…
    *Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber “Eenie Meenie”*

    OT: Music always. I need food with me at all times. My hood HAS TO be on. And I have to be talking to someone, or something while I play

    You would be so fucking annoying to play against.

    I always single out the fags who sing into xfire first ^_^

    Don’t hate. Sometimes I do Miley Cyrus

    Arladerus said: ARS is something people have a problem with usually. However, I have this one game on PC that is realistic: Instead of showing how many more bullets you have, they tell you how many magazines you have, max usually 4 or 5. So let’s say you have 29/30 bullets in clip, you reload…

    You just lost 29 bullets.

    That’s SOCOM you’re talking about.

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