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  • in reply to: Contact Information! [Update 4/11/2011] #20354

    Steam: Blackboy0

    in reply to: Steam? #20347
    Nass said:

    Blackboy0 said:

    Nass said:

    Blackboy0 said:


    Basically that’s what’s going down, yes.


    Okay, now you’re starting to hurt my feelings a little bit. Those 1’s are very intrusive.


    i c wat u did thar

    in reply to: Steam? #20345
    Nass said:

    Blackboy0 said:


    Basically that’s what’s going down, yes.


    Okay, now you’re starting to hurt my feelings a little bit. Those 1’s are very intrusive.

    in reply to: Steam? #20343

    Basically that’s what’s going down, yes.

    in reply to: [-Transformice-] #20151

    Oh god. My brother is OBSESSED with this game. Seriously, he hasn’t done anything else in days. He has like a total of like 3,000 cheese. It’s fucking insane.

    I make fun of him all the time. Now all you play? Shit…

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19408

    v0.1.7: More Al’dor Bug Fixes!
    The map name now appears at the bottom of every screen, so you know where you are!
    Johansen and Ferrakk in the Al’dor Pub now properly walk.
    The Dimension of the Messenger (Your talk with Ferrakk) has been revamped and now includes a portal back to Al’dor. Good luck finding it!
    The Heradotus Forest trees are now properly mapped.
    In Johansen’s Spiritwalk, Lyros is now spelled correctly.
    Several minor grammatical and move routes have been corrected/fixed.
    Several backend script errors have been modified/fixed.
    The Heradotus Forest has grown, but now contains a fenced off area and a signpost. “Stay away!”
    The Forest Rat in the Forest Training Grounds has been modified and is now much easier!
    All Stats and Skills have had their damage decreased slightly, causing the players to behave more “Level 1″ish in a battle.
    Download Now!

    Sword of Eden Twitter said: “v0.1.7: More Al’dor Bug Fixes” has been stealth-released! It includes some major/minor bug fixes and some new stuff.


    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19378

    Hey guys. Sorry, development has been kinda slow the last few days. I know I said I’ll get it released by Wednesday, but… No 😛 With work back and my girlfriend taking up so mch of my time (I’ve been over at her house every day, all day the past 4 days), it’s hard to find the time to work on the RPG xD In my spare time I’ve been working on a website, so that’ll be wicked. It’s pretty nice if I may say so myself 🙂 Fucking hand-coded system… Love it <3

    Anyways… Over the weekend I will get some serious shit done. Until then, I can’t see much work getting done on the thing. Maybe a bit here and there, but v2.0 will take more than a couple minutes 😛 If ye want hourly(ish) updates, just follow me on Twitter ( 🙂

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19364

    Nass, thanks for testing that Pub thing. I never really got around to testing it that much, but I believe I’ve fixed it. It’s now an autorun and then just breaks off so it doesn’t keep looping and looping 🙂

    That Caterpillar-save problem, though… That’s weird. I’ll have to get my friend to look at it, he’s a much better Ruby/RGSS2 scripter than me

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19355

    v0.1.5: Al’dor Bug Fixes
    Disappearing party member fixed. (Occurred after speaking to the Mayor.)
    The Training Grounds now include the keys to do what the trainer asks (E.x. – UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to move)
    All Save Crystals now heal all HP, MP, and States that the party might have.
    Save Crystal added into the Heradotus Forest.
    Several suits of armor, windows, etc. have had their solidity fixed, you can now not walk through them.
    Several backend changes: (These are changes in the backend scripts.)
    — Colors are now auto-generated.
    — Actor caterpillar script is now (virtually) bug-free.
    — Forest Rat strength, defense, and order has been buffed.
    Priests have now been given an offensive Skill at Level 1: “Smite I”. This does Holy damage to one enemy. The old “Smite I” has been renamed to “Smite II” and is now available at Level 4, and does Holy damage to all enemies.
    Johansen’s texts have been fixed. (There were several “____”s that were sitting around.)
    Encounter with Johansen and Ferrakk has been fixed. You now actually sit down instead of running into the table.
    All externals are now decorated with chimneys and windows!
    The Actors at the beginning now describe their specialties and skills.
    Mayor’s house is now 3 different areas, instead of 2: Common Area, Jerome’s Room, and then the Mayor’s Room.
    The Island of Al’dor is now much prettier!
    Perkid and his father, NB, have shown their faces on Al’dor!
    The pub now has an official license to serve drinks.
    The Al’dor Blacksmith is now open for business!
    Download Now!

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19352

    Probably should have said… Up to the forest (Heradotus Forest), there is nothing. That is all I have gotten up to. After v0.1.5 is released, I will start working on the forest area. ( Twitter post about the release date)

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19350

    That’s what the Training Grounds are for. If you don’t know how to play, you go to that and it teaches you the controls.

    Nass said: o another one, I can’t leave the forest map after they hax you out of town

    That’s cause I haven’t completed anything past that

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19346

    No, but what would that actually do? What’s the point of that?

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19343
    Pirkid said: -Controls and action buttons can be given to us at the beginning if you run a Autorun event that cancels itself on a Break Loop so it doesn’t infinite loop and crash the game. For someone new to VX, moving the menu with the mouse and having to press Enter to start is disorientating, and then the actions buttons (x and c) would be a mystery to find.

    Could you explain that a bit more? I’ve added in fixes for the following of your bug reports:

    Pirkid said: -When leaving the Mayor’s room, and entering the main room, you are forced to walk upon the “The Mayor is Busy” action tile. And then you’re reset to teh tile below it.
    -Explain what different classes are good at. I just chose the prettiest looking avatar for my party member.
    -The silver tile door to enter the Mayor’s secretary room opens and closes, but can close and block the view of the player’s avatar if you stay in spot.I suggest a room teleport (Move Map up and move Player to x, y, and then make the Secretary room’s up father. It might look better that way.

    And am working on prettying up the town

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19340

    Known Bugs

    Saves sometimes do not work when updating versions.
    The title page is “Valkyrie Stories”, not “Sword of Eden”.


    v0.1.7: More Al’dor Bug Fixes!
    The map name now appears at the bottom of every screen, so you know where you are!
    Johansen and Ferrakk in the Al’dor Pub now properly walk.
    The Dimension of the Messenger (Your talk with Ferrakk) has been revamped and now includes a portal back to Al’dor. Good luck finding it!
    The Heradotus Forest trees are now properly mapped.
    In Johansen’s Spiritwalk, Lyros is now spelled correctly.
    Several minor grammatical and move routes have been corrected/fixed.
    Several backend script errors have been modified/fixed.
    The Heradotus Forest has grown, but now contains a fenced off area and a signpost. “Stay away!”
    The Forest Rat in the Forest Training Grounds has been modified and is now much easier!
    All Stats and Skills have had their damage decreased slightly, causing the players to behave more “Level 1″ish in a battle.
    Download Now!

    v0.1.5: Al’dor Bug Fixes
    Disappearing party member fixed. (Occurred after speaking to the Mayor.)
    The Training Grounds now include the keys to do what the trainer asks (E.x. – UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to move)
    All Save Crystals now heal all HP, MP, and States that the party might have.
    Save Crystal added into the Heradotus Forest.
    Several suits of armor, windows, etc. have had their solidity fixed, you can now not walk through them.
    Several backend changes: (These are changes in the backend scripts.)
    — Colors are now auto-generated.
    — Actor caterpillar script is now (virtually) bug-free.
    — Forest Rat strength, defense, and order has been buffed.
    Priests have now been given an offensive Skill at Level 1: “Smite I”. This does Holy damage to one enemy. The old “Smite I” has been renamed to “Smite II” and is now available at Level 4, and does Holy damage to all enemies.
    Johansen’s texts have been fixed. (There were several “____”s that were sitting around.)
    Encounter with Johansen and Ferrakk has been fixed. You now actually sit down instead of running into the table.
    All externals are now decorated with chimneys and windows!
    The Actors at the beginning now describe their specialties and skills.
    Mayor’s house is now 3 different areas, instead of 2: Common Area, Jerome’s Room, and then the Mayor’s Room.
    The Island of Al’dor is now much prettier!
    Perkid and his father, NB, have shown their faces on Al’dor!
    The pub now has an official license to serve drinks.
    The Al’dor Blacksmith is now open for business!
    Download Now!

    v0.1: The Beginning
    Game released.
    Download Now!

    in reply to: Sword of Eden – Action RPG #19339


    The world of Lyros is in turmoil. Gods, Angels, and Titans all fight and the world is their battleground. Heroes are few and the Gods are up against younger and larger army.

    Creators of the world of Lyros and it’s current rulers. Currently lead by Cor’Velok, King of the Gods, and Cruwen, Queen of the Gods, they rule Lyros. The Titans, their children, lead an uprising but failed early in the lives of the Gods. They take their residence in the fortified Flying Citadel on the Mountain of Eternity.

    The immortal sons and daughters of the Gods. Early in their life they tried to overthrow their parents but were crushed by the more mature and wise deities. Now that they are matured and strong, they have returned with a vengeance and plan to once and for all crush their parents. The massive Titan Army is lead by the Titan Lord Nadrik, son of Cor’Velok and Cruwen themselves. The Titan army uses the Eternal Stronghold and the surrounding area, The Gauntlet, as their base of operations.

    The Angels were early servants to the Gods but after realizing they had free will and a power of their own, they rebelled against their “slavers”, the Gods, and became their own deity group under the leadership of the fearless Chayot-Kodesh. After being banished by the Gods, they take their residence in the Twisted Spire, in the Gorge of Illusion.


    Lyros, rended by the battle between the Gods, Titans, and Angels, is filled with creatures big and small. It is a battlefield of the eternal and mortals have to band together to survive.

    Early Levels
    Al’dor – The starting place of the player and where you learn the basic controls of the game. Al’dor is currently one of the only locations on Lyros completely untainted by the battle of the Second War.
    Heradotus – A half-forest, half-desolate land home to the Alquons and the Chaks, and thousands of the Titan’s minions.
    — Alquonia – A very primitive tribe, living off, and never leaving, the forest of Heradotus. They have a rivalry with the Chaks; whoever can kill the Titan Commander in the area first.
    — Charakee – A highly religious and militarized group of men known for their hatred towards women and their love for bloodshed. They live in the wilderness, hunting the Titan Army whenever they can.

    Later Levels
    The Gauntlet
    — Eternal Stronghold – Home to the Titan army. At the peak of the tower rests the Titan Lord Nadrik.
    Gorge of Illusion
    — Twisted Spire – The home to the (rebel) Angelic army, lead by Chayot-Kodesh. Located in the Gorge of Illusion.
    Mountain of Eternity
    — Flying Citadel – The Citadel of the Gods, home to the 6 Major Gods. Located on the Mountain of Eternity.

    Other Locations
    Dimension of the Messenger – Ferrakk, The Messenger God’s, personal dimension.


    Here is a list of major features that the Sword of Eden action RPG holds!
    Custom title screen!
    Side-by-side sideview battle scenes
    Caterpillar-styled actor walking

    Sneak Peek/Screenshots

    Sneak Peak – Twitter!
    The Sword of Eden project is now available on Twitter! Our Twitter page can be seen below:

    Updates straight from the lead developer himself, me!

    Screenshots of the Sword of Eden will be available here.


    Latest revision
    v0.1.7: More Al’dor Bug Fixes!

    v0.1.7: More Al’dor Bug Fixes!
    v0.1.5: Al’dor Bug Fixes
    v0.1: The Beginning

    SoE RTP
    The SoE RTP (Runtime Package) is necessary for Sword of Eden to run properly. This RTP includes all graphics, audio, and necessary files for the RPG to run. Please download and install this package before downloading the Sword of Eden. (NOTE: Only one download and install is necessary.)


    A thank you to all of the contributors to the Sword of Eden project.
    Blackboy0 – Lead Developer/Designer/Programmer
    BlackGirl0 – Concept Designer
    Swiss – Graphic Designer
    Enterbrain – Program creator
    Enu/Mr. Bubble – Sideview script
    Hanzo Kimura – Title script
    Thedarksouleater – Tiles and Weather Script
    BulletXt – Thomas Edison script
    Reedo – AutoColoring

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