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  • in reply to: So guyz. #12258

    All the kewl kids used it before.

    hoohoohooooo. :3

    in reply to: If you’re bored and need a time waster. #12257

    Yeah, don’t call them losers. It’s rude.

    You call them horny bastards. 😛

    in reply to: Need help w/characters. #12256

    Because I can and it’s free. 🙂 -hide-

    Name: Falcon
    Personality (two or more adjectives): FUCKING BRILLIANT (V said I culd. 🙁 ) and Determined.
    Phobias: Fat people, People smarter than him, and water.
    Fire or lightning?: I PLAI WIF FIYAH!
    Job (Maple, no pirates): Ranger

    in reply to: Can you spot the sexiest? #12230
    David said: Nass was referring to Number 3.

    Are YOU blind? 😉

    Actually….I WAS referring to Number 3, not 2. 🙂 #2 is liek a 70 year old grandma with some surgery and makeup.

    in reply to: Wow. I liked PETA. #12219


    Ew. D: HIV!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: This time #12218

    -D-D-DAMN IT! I was gonna say C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

    in reply to: Can you spot the sexiest? #7537

    No, that’s not a 40 year old man with a beer belly, it’s a hawt 20 year old girl. You blind, David?

    in reply to: [Request] Help Wanted. D= #12111
    Mipsacri said: …

    What’s rule 3? D:


    In case you’re wondering, I was accusing Quang of breaking rule 3, not you. And like Cheeze said, rule 3 is going off topic, and the like.

    in reply to: [Request] Help Wanted. D= #12109
    Quang said:

    Mipsacri said:
    Full Name: Melissa Bind
    Age*: 21
    Gender: Female
    Personality (Like always grumpy, or happy etc..): Ridiculously cheery and positive.
    Favored bands (IE: Jonas brothers, Avenged Sevenfold etc): Sambomaster, Daft Punk

    Melissa ‘Bind’ eh?
    She’s certainly act cheerful when she’s binded by my oily bondage fufufufu…

    Oooooh, you broke Rule 3. You’re gonna get reprimandedddddddddd!

    Full Name: Axel Falcon
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Leader…istic? Brave, Egotistical, and Fucking brilliant
    Favored bands: LUCY PINDER! <3333 She can just stand there. Hmm…I peek random ones. Plain White T’s and ohcrap Dragonforce.

    Make me maaaaaaain! 😀

    in reply to: Rules 2.0 #12046

    There are rules now? D:

    Nobody really abided by the rules on MMOT…

    You said the only rules were to not be a jerk. -sigh- Oh well…

    in reply to: So guyz. #12069

    You ain’t no kitty!

    in reply to: Epic Poem #12064


    in reply to: Can you spot the sexiest? #12062

    #1 – Eww. Look at her pixel armpit. D:
    #2 – Chubbeh. Chubbeh bunneh
    #3 – Hot damn!

    in reply to: If you’re bored and need a time waster. #12048

    Sashimi lives in California. <3

    I miss her. 🙁

    in reply to: If you’re bored and need a time waster. #12045
    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: My dear, I love you.
    You: I missed you so much.
    Stranger: I love you too, sweetie
    Stranger: me too! where were you all this time?
    You: I can’t think of living without you.
    Stranger: I was waiting
    Stranger: So.. come back to me
    You: Great. I’ve been waiting a logn time to say this.
    You: Will you marry me? 🙂
    Stranger: I will if you are a guy
    You: I am
    Stranger: Vegas?
    You: Yes
    Stranger: let’s do it
    You: Alright!
    You: I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Pack up your bags.
    You: I love you, honey!
    Stranger: Ok!
    Stranger: I’ll get the wedding dress there
    You: Okay.
    Stranger: and something borrowed, something used, something new
    Stranger: for good luck
    Stranger: but we don’t need it
    Stranger: we love each other
    You: <3
    Stranger: right honey?
    You: Of course, dear.
    Stranger: sounds great
    Stranger: what about the honeymoon?
    You: Hmm..
    You: I was thinking maybe somewhere in Venice?
    Stranger: nice
    Stranger: romantic
    Stranger: just like us
    Stranger: I’m so lucky to have you
    You: I’m the luckiest guy on the planet.
    You: I can’t wait for tomorrow!
    Stranger: me neither
    Stranger: I won’t sleep at all
    Stranger: thinking of the day that we will be together forever
    You: I’ll call all our friends.
    You: How’s your mother doing lately? Is she okay?
    Stranger: she’s fine
    Stranger: she’ll be so happy for us, honey
    Stranger: you know she loves you like a son
    You: She’s a motherly figure to me too.
    Stranger: and she made that lasagna for you, she put at the refrigerator
    You: Lasagna’s my favorite. I love Italian food.
    Stranger: see? she knows
    Stranger: and she said to my brother: don’t you dare eating it! it is for my favorite son in law
    Stranger: isn’t she adorable? she loves you..
    Stranger: and I love you too, dear
    You: I love you too. So honey, where do you live now?
    Stranger: Massachusetts
    Stranger: just for today
    You: Oh, it’s cold there.
    Stranger: tomorrow we can decide together after the wedding where we should go
    Stranger: it is, honey
    Stranger: what about you?
    Stranger: where in the world is the man of my dreams?
    You: I’m all the way on the other side.
    You: Of the coast.
    You: California, the Golden State.
    Stranger: that’s lovely
    Stranger: I’ve never been in Calofornia, honey
    You: It’s beautiful here. The beaches are a great place to hang out.
    You: And no, I wasn’t eying any other women.
    You: You’re the only one for me.
    Stranger: I know, my love
    Stranger: I trust you completely
    Stranger: I’m the only one and perfect for you
    You: Absolutely.
    Stranger: and you are for me.. the only one
    Stranger: always and forever
    Stranger: to infinity and beyond
    You: I wish the day would go by faster.
    Stranger: me too, dear
    Stranger: it will take forever
    Stranger: but it is worth to wait.. it will be the most special day of our lives
    You: So…I’m nto sure how long a flight from California to Massachussetts is. Do you know.
    Stranger: something about 6h hours
    You: I think I’ll be able to make it tomorrow.
    Stranger: YAY
    Stranger: that’s great
    Stranger: do you want me to pick you up in Boston or you can get a taxi?
    Stranger: what time do you think you will be here? so I can heat the lasagna for you
    You: Hmm..I’ll leave in a couple hours so…
    You: Maybe around 9am EST?
    Stranger: honey
    Stranger: but you are closer to vegas than me
    You: Oh. I thought I was gonna go visit you….
    Stranger: what about the wedding?
    Stranger: do you want to postpone?
    You: Well I haven’t actually amde an appointment yet…
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: so come to visit me
    Stranger: and eat my mom’s lasagna
    Stranger: she’ll be so happy to see you, baby
    You: I’ll bring her a present.
    Stranger: you don’t have to
    You: But I want to. It doesn’t feel right then. Traveling all this way with nothing in return?
    Stranger: ok baby
    Stranger: it is up to you
    Stranger: just come
    Stranger: I just need to see you
    You: Okay.
    You: Well, I got to go shower now.
    Stranger: ok sweetie
    Stranger: don’t be late, my love
    Stranger: I’m waiting for you
    You: I’m back. 🙂
    Stranger: hi honey
    You: Hey sweetie
    Stranger: are you all clean now/
    Stranger: ?
    You: Clean for you to dirty. ;D
    Stranger: yummi.. =P
    You: 🙂
    Stranger: =P
    Stranger: are you coming tomorrow, dear?
    You: Yes, of course.
    Stranger: great
    Stranger: bring some long sleeves
    You: I’ll bring a coat.
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: it is raining and not warm at all
    You: :0
    Stranger: I know
    Stranger: but your visit will make me feel warmer
    You: 🙂
    Stranger: ;D
    You: So…how’s life in Massachussetts?
    Stranger: cold and rainy
    Stranger: but good
    You: Ah, I see.
    Stranger: I work
    Stranger: finished college already
    Stranger: I have a regular life here
    Stranger: what about yours?
    You: Just enjoying the summer with my buds. Partying and whatnot.
    Stranger: nice
    Stranger: so.. what are you doing?
    Stranger: did you book your ticket?? =)
    You: I will.
    Stranger: okay
    You: Okay, well I booked the flight. I’ll be there at 8:30am.
    You: I’m going to sleep now.
    Stranger: me too
    Stranger: I can’t be late tomorrow
    You: Okay, see you tomorrow.
    Stranger: see ya
    Stranger: love you, baby
    Stranger: can’t wait so see you
    You: Bye! I love you.
    You have disconnected.

    I really wanna go. 🙁

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