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  • in reply to: Someone has been reading all the blogs! #11492

    either way its still kewl. :3
    vusys be awesome

    in reply to: The Sky Reddens CYOA #9819

    With L4D 2 announced, how could I NOT resist to get off a hiatus on this? 😀
    Be patient, by the way. The Charger and new special infected(s) created by me will come in soon. :3
    You decide to wait for the threatening Tank.
    The entire army, including your party-mates, are surprised. A couple of soldiers actually ran off in fear, ditching you. (-2 soldiers, -20 trust from Army)
    Each stomp deafened some, and scared others.
    The stomps seemed to be on the top floor by now.
    A loud crash and the Tank has easily broken the safe room entrance.
    A moment of silence seems to surround the atmosphere.
    Suddenly, a steel door comes flying at you and sends you flying back, mere inches from your ultimate fall. (-20 hp)
    A rock comes crashing right near you before you can even recover, causing you to hang on a ledge for your dear life. (-5 hp)
    Up on the roof, the commotion seems louder. You can hear the Tank roaring and a certain scream. The shouts of your fellow comrades in agony petrifies you. A dead corpse flies past you from above and into the street below, probably from a punch from the Tank. (-1 soldier)
    After what seemed like a hour, the Tank’s roars became only mere echoes.
    You see a bloodied but alive face from above help; Dan. (-20%) Just in time as well, since you were losing grip.
    He helps you up from your devastating trip.
    What you see up in the rooftop is mortifying. You see a bloodied Clare in front of the Tank’s body, who was worn out protecting those behind her. (-60%)
    Ashley seemed to be in a state of shock by the experience, and took quite a bit of damage. (-25%)
    Oliver seemed rather fine, although a bit shaken up by the incident. (-10%)
    You also realized that you only have one soldier and 2 neighbors left in the group.
    You decide to shout out a few orders, which snaps them out of their trance.
    Observing your environment, you find that the helicopter had left. The only place to go was simple; down.
    Everyone slowly gets up and follows your lead on the emergency exit. While down the exit, you study the street below and the streets that are far off.
    The street below has a house on fire with , and a few zombies. No problem.
    The block across has a rather fat figure running. Rather odd.
    Three blocks head have cars flooding the block. Rather scary, considering the experience you had last time with cars.
    You and your “army” has gotten down to the street. You guys easily kill the zombies, and once again, you scan the environment. To the left street you find a simple dark street. Nothing special… well, there is a bit of action there, although its too dark to tell. To the right is another dark street with sobbing in the middle of the road. Yikes… Probably.


    A) Make Ashley use her scope to kill the fat man

    B) Approach the fat man

    C) Take the left street.

    D) Take the right street.

    Party Status

    YouHealth – 75%
    [color=brown]Pistol[/color] Ammo – 4, 1 clip of 20 pistol bullets
    [color=brown]Pistol[/color] Ammo – 3
    Semi-auto Shotgun Ammo – 11 2 clips of 15 shotgun bullets
    Butcher Knife Use – 2

    Clare Health – 60% Trust – 10
    [color=brown]Pistol[/color] Ammo – 16
    Semi-auto Shotgun Ammo – 10, 1 clip of 15 shotgun bullets
    AK-47 Ammo – 40, 1 clip of 40 assault rifle bullets

    [color=pink]Ashley Vickers[/color] Health – 75% Trust – -20
    Semi-auto Hunting Rifle with Scope Ammo – 12, 2 clips of 12 rifle bullets
    [color=pink]First Aid[/color] Use – Empty
    [color=brown]Golden Eagle[/color] Ammo – 30

    Agent O/ Oliver-
    Health: 100%
    Trust: 30

    Equipment: AK-47 Ammo – 19, 2 clips with 40 assault rifle bullets

    Agent D/ Dan-
    Health: 80%
    Trust: 20

    Equipment: Pump action Shotgun 15, 2 clips with 15 shotgun bullets

    [color=brown]Surviving Army[/color]-
    3 people Trust: -10

    I felt nice enough to add a spoiler tag to the system. I r niec. 🙂
    However, if something is in emergency mode, like your army is right now, I will show it.

    in reply to: L4D Fanfic: Help Wanted #11421

    Name: Vince Vetterlein
    Age: 18
    Occupation: Commercial Advertiser
    Background: Being grown up in Boston, Massachusetts, (complete with a Boston accent) he has been through plenty of shit. Despite this, he managed to survive the tough neighborhood he lived in. His badass attitude seems to flow and combine with his cheerful personality. Although the badass side is often prominent. He is a bit egotistical and think he’s tough.
    He found his natural talent in Commercial Advertising, although he wishes to be an actor one day. He has not had a good education; instead, he teaches you with a bat since he loves baseball. He loves saying “Bonk! Boink!” when he hits someone with his baseball bat.
    When the invasion started, his dream came true: The dream to kick zombie ass.
    Skills: He is the fastest runner you will ever see, and is pretty skilled at using melee weapons (primary melee weapon: bats) and ranged weapons (primary ranged weapon: shotgun) alike. Problem is that his health is low.

    I swear that I almost made his name “Ted”. Boston Ted.
    I wanna see if anyone can find out how I got the names. Extra cookie points for those correct!
    (Hint: First and last name are from different people)

    in reply to: Hellozor #11374
    DarkDragoon said: rofl
    we don’t like the average basiler on this site comprendo bubbo?

    in reply to: -Revives Aaru’s Thread- #11340
    dee32693 said: hey i gotz facebook everyone knows what i look like.

    i dont know how to do the Click to reveal

    Just do this: [spoiler ][ /spoiler] without the spaces. Pains tip: Quote someone to find out a code you dunno.

    Vusys, that wuz epicness. You must always keep your identity hidden from Bogdan!

    And finally.

    MasterCheeze said: David looks like thewinekone with bad hair.
    in reply to: -Revives Aaru’s Thread- #11205

    This is me after a shower.

    in reply to: -Revives Aaru’s Thread- #11201

    Thank goodness for the spoiler tag.
    Also, it should be a rule for all pics to be spoiler’d, meng.

    in reply to: No robots allowed. #11180

    YEY… o:

    in reply to: Three Word Story #11164

    one of the

    in reply to: Riddle me this #11122

    Jail! :3

    in reply to: O look #11091

    I R ROX.

    me in proboards said:
    Hey Aaru, get over here. :3
    Username: VuTales
    Password: imwithvusys
    in reply to: Three Word Story #11073

    SirPainsalot was pimping,

    in reply to: Left 4 Deadzzz – Play? #11060
    Mipsacri said: I wanna play. But my computer can’t handle it.

    DAMN YOU PEOPLE, get with the program and get 360s. >: All the cool kids have them.


    in reply to: The Sky Reddens CYOA #9817

    Moarrrrrrr votez plz o:

    in reply to: Preview button #11031

    Its only for comments.
    But I guess better than nothing meng.
    Thanks Vusys. :3

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