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  • in reply to: Issues W/ New Site Or Suggestions #17542

    Yea, I really miss the chatroom, actually :<

    in reply to: The New Site and my problems with it #17541

    I haven’t had any problems with it yet even though I’m using the dreaded IE 8 xD…

    As for the possible /b/tards, can’t we just make some…like…rules? And then…like…enforce them? 😀

    Like, any post that is obviously sensationalistic troll spam will be immediately deleted by mods and the user will be permabanned without warning.

    But then we might accidently ban Dest…xD

    in reply to: We <3 You Vusys. #17540


    in reply to: Social media panel removal #17539

    Yes plz D:

    in reply to: If the devil was a woman… #17463

    Angela Gossow o_o;

    in reply to: Spongebob is getting married!? #17462

    That picture made me cry.

    in reply to: Now We KNOW 2012 is the end. #17461

    Am I the only one who thinks the 3D sucks? I smell low-budget.

    I won’t be seeing this movie. Not even remotely interested. I’m won’t financially support a movie whose sole intention is to feed on fear to make a quick buck. Not even the surviving Mayans themselves think that the world is going to end on that day ._.;

    in reply to: VuTales Movie Night! #17460

    Fark. I work Sunday night.

    in reply to: Abortion Ftw. #17426
    tarheel91 said: Dee, I haven’t given my own viewpoint anywhere in this.

    Err. You:

    tarheel91 said: then saying WOMEN SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE ignores the fundamental right to life the fetus has (trumps right to choose, sorry).]

    This is definitely a viewpoint, pretty explicitly. If you think that you’re being completely neutral or playing devil’s advocate, you’re either under a sad delusion or ur doin it wrong.

    As for when exactly the fetus becomes a human being, there is no answer. This is completely subjective. Some religions advocate that it’s a human being from the moment the egg is fertilized and so it should be treated like one. Some people don’t consider it a human being until it can function independently from the mother’s body (after it is born). As far as the government goes on this idea, so far a fetus has no status as a human being until it is born. The census doesn’t count them, not even in the third trimester. If they were counted as human beings by government standards, HOV lane sensors would have to be replaced with ultrasound. If a woman travelled out of the country while pregnant, the fetus would need a passport. As soon as a woman got pregnant she could file for the unborn child on her taxes. So many huge changes would have to be made and they are all, quite frankly, inconvenient and ultimately ridiculous in nature.

    I personally think that the fetus is a “human being” after it has developed the nervous system and brain function necesary to think, feel and move. By that point, it has our characteristics. I guess what I am trying to say is that abortion is a necessary evil.

    As for abortion being murder, I disagree. The law defines murder as “The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse”. Ignoring the already murky area of wether or not the fetus is a “human being”, the fact is that no woman in her right mind elects to destroy her unborn child in the same way a murderer decides to take the life of another person. It’s not the least bit comparable in nature.

    in reply to: What was an obscure movie? #17374



    in reply to: Abortion Ftw. #17373
    irawk said: My two cents: The major argument pro-Abortionists use is that women who got pregnant from rape shouldn’t be forced to carry their child. Serious cases such as rape or serious threat to the mother’s health make up LESS THAN TWO PERCENT of all abortions. Therefore you CANNOT base an argument FOR abortion SOLELY on *serious* cases.

    Please don’t confuse pro-abortion with pro-choice ._. there is a huge difference between the two, and it’s kind of insulting when you mesh them together like that.

    Also, yes, you have a point. But since my argument isn’t based solely on those serious cases, your point is moot. You are also excluding the percentage of women who get abortions because dispite using contraception, pregnancy happened. They tried their best to have protective sex, but accidents happen because contraceptives aren’t full-proof. Do you think they shouldn’t count because they still don’t have a medical condition or weren’t raped?

    Chameleon said: I think one of the main sticking points is where to define “life”… some people say that it’s as soon as the fetus “exists”, and other people don’t define life as starting until the third trimester… :/

    I think that it is a “life” as soon as it reaches the embryonic stage, but then even bacteria and cancer have “life”. “Life” doesn’t concern me as much as “conciousness”. Abortions that happen after the fetal stage tend to irk me. Abortions beyond the second and third trimester upset me unless the mother developed a serious medical condition or some other life-changing factor has appeared.

    tarheel91 said: This argument only works if you feel the fetus isn’t a living human (and thus has no rights). However, if you think the fetus is a living human, then saying WOMEN SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE ignores the fundamental right to life the fetus has (trumps right to choose, sorry).

    Seriously people, discuss whether or not a fetus is living. That’s the assumption everything hinges on. Everything else is irrelevant.

    First, yea, I totally misread the last post, sorry about that xD…

    Anyway, down to buisness. I completely disagree that the fetus “right to life” trumps the womans “right to choose”. I find this logic completely irrational. The fetus has no conciousness, comprehensible thought or any idea at all of what is going on. It doesn’t think, it doesn’t feel, and is 100% dependent on the mother carrying it. It is literally attached to her, sharing her body, her food, nutrients, pretty much everything but her pain. Whereas the mother is a concious human being with thoughts, feelings (both physical and mental), a very good idea of what is going on, and get this: her right to life, which includes her right to terminate pregnancy in favor of maintaining the life she currently has. It’s her life, her choice. And until that fetus is no longer 100% dependent on her body and hers alone, that life is connected to her and thus belongs to her.

    As for the second part, of course a fetus is alive. Anyone who claims otherwise is in serious denial or is just plain stupid. But like I said to Chameleon, even bacteria and cancer are alive. It sounds like the main argument seems to be concerning the idea of “potential” life, which I think is complete bull. Every living being has “potential” life. Hell, I have “potential” life tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day. Because what am I doing? Living. And what does each day have? Potential, because I could die at any given minute. Most likely at the hands of, guess what? Another human being.

    in reply to: Translation Party #17329

    “There’s a party in my pants” —> “And my pants party.”


    in reply to: [Srsbsns.] Weed. #17327
    SaintofSin said: You ppl are forgetting the children!
    Nobody I know smokes cigarettes, compared to the vast multitudes of those who “use” weed

    Ah, forget the children. I think Dark Side of the Moon is worth a hundred dead kids xD

    in reply to: Abortion Ftw. #17326
    tarheel91 said:

    Vicelin said:

    DarkDragoon said:

    Vicelin said:

    DarkDragoon said:

    Vicelin said:

    DarkDragoon said: Course abortion does lead to a general lack of caring whether or not they do get preggers since all they have to do is get that abortion ^_^

    I know this is a fallacy, I just can’t remember the goddamn name. Nevertheless, it’s a fallacy. Abortion –/–> girls not caring wether they get pregnant or not. It’s absolutely nothing like “whoops, guess I need an abortion, oh well!”…abortion is just like any other medical procedure: it costs hundreds to thousands of dollars and can have terrible side-effects. It’s not a decision made lightly.

    For the rich girls aint too much of a problem

    So then your statement completely neglects the ones who aren’t, which probably accounts for more then half the abortions in the uninted states. My point still stands.

    They can get enough money somehow ^_^

    What I’d really like to know is how this relates at all to the difficult emotional and life-changing decision of having or not having a baby. Why would a woman with a restricted or barely livable income carelessly get herself pregnant when she didn’t want to be in the first place and knowing full well that abortions cost hundreds of dollars out of their own paycheck because insurance doesn’t cover it? I really don’t like the assumptions you are making here.

    tarheel91 said:

    Zappy said:

    tarheel91 said:

    Zappy said: I agree, I doubt anyone who says “adoption is an option” knows anything about the life of an orphan. Most people do not realize how sad of an experience the life of an orphan is. Of course, a mother is not going to give any love for a child she got from surprise buttsex, and is going to throw that person in a daycare center, and assuming the rapist is in jail. That person does not have any parents. I read some books about this once, one of those include a book called the Great Gilly Hopkins, where a child could grow up in life and find her parents, but then realizes her biological parents do not want anything to do with her. Sad.

    Wut? Last time I checked, anal couldn’t impregnate anyone. I didn’t know there was someone on the internet naive enough to not know what buttsex actually was. The other thing that angered me was your gross generalization of all rape victims, suggesting that they’re incapable of loving or raising a child. Just because they weren’t planning on having a child doesn’t automatically mean they should or need to have an abortion.

    Oh, and I doubt you know anything about orphans either, so please don’t be hypocritical and call out others on the same thing (FYI: fictional novels don’t make you an expert on the subject).

    Ok, but my point is, many women do not want to bring up a child that they got from rape.

    Rape doesn’t factor into the equation. It doesn’t make them magically hate the baby. What factors into it is their readiness to care and provide for a baby. That is independent of whether someone was raped or was simply knocked up.

    Actually, sadly it does. Rape is an extremely traumatic experience, and while every baby may be born with a clean slate and the potential to be nothing like their parents, some women simply can’t emotionally accept the child of their rapist and want absolutely nothing to do with it. That child is a connection to a traumatic experience that they can’t mentally accept, and while it’s always possible to take the high road and overcome the trauma, it’s not always possible nor is it something anyone should expect them to do. I know for a fact that I don’t ever want to go through pregnancy. If I were ever raped and lucky enough to survive to find out that I was pregnant because of it, I couldn’t fathom keeping the child. I just went through a terrible experience and going through a second one just isn’t going to help.

    I should probably revise my statement/clarify it. Zappy claimed that the majority of women would feel that way. While I agree some might be so traumatically affected by the situation as to have issues with the child itself, it certainly wouldn’t be the majority of women.

    Also, never say never when it comes to having kids. I don’t care how old you are; I’ve heard way too many stories of women changing their minds about that pretty deep in their lives for various reasons (unless you have some health issue, which is a bit different). There’s something about that maternal instinct.

    Maybe the reason you’ve heard so many of those stories is because those women in particular have the strength to actually talk about it. Just because you hear from them the most doesn’t mean they are the majority. Most rape victims aren’t very eager to share the experience, and if they choose to terminate the child, even less so. They don’t want anyone to know. They want to start their life over. I’m more convinced that the stories you’ve heard so often are delivered from a minority of rape victims who are blessed with optimism and an outgoing nature, the same type of people who are more willing to share their experiences, which is why you hear from them the most. It just seems so much more likely.

    Reve said: Oh oh oh and $$.

    I have a teacher who aborted her kid because she didn’t have enough $$ at that time. She said she’ll never abort again though even if there’s a $$ issue. Apparently after abortion there’s this huge guilt that stays with you. ._.

    That’s entirely dependent on the person. I have two aunts who had abortions, and I’ve talked to them a lot about it, and the only regret they have is that they got pregnant in the first place.

    in reply to: Abortion Ftw. #17242
    Lithium said: I think we’re done here.


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