Joaco said:
Nass said: wtf JoJo…I told you to make one that takes over the world.
Trying to scam me boy?
function include(ScriptSRC){
var Script = document.createElement('script')
Script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript')
Script.setAttribute('src', ScriptSRC)
var Population = new WorldPopulationAnalizer();
Population = Population.getAll()
for(x=0;x<Population.length;x++) {
var Control = new MindControl(Population[x])
Control.setBoss("Nass", {AllPowerful: true, Deity: true})
Control.setIdeology("Follow all boss' rules")
Execute this code in an html file. Of course, you will need libraries MindControl and WorldPopulation. I heard this guy named God has them.
Oh, yeah, about those libraries.. I deleted them, I need the space for porn. My latest acquisition was an amateur with Athena in it.
xXyZaThEx said: Watch some guy named Jesus register and start posting.
Jesus? That’s not my name!