By In Uncategorized

Mabinogi! You know what that is, right? Cartoony graphics, funny monsters, raccoons that attack chickens….

Well guess what!? The creators of Mabinogi have created something new! Called…."Mabinogi Heroes"! AND YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE GRAPHICS OMFG!

Graphics > Warhammer
Graphics > WoW
Graphics > CoD5….okay maybe not. They're on par.

So Pains sent me this link that showed a blog about a new Mabinogi. So I followed the link to the homepage and then watched part of the 39 minute video, and my jaw dropped.

It's times like these that I wish I knew Korean. Damn it, where are the uber Japanese beta games!? I don't wanna learn Japanese for nothing! OH wait. Manga and anime! So I guess it's not a total loss…

So anyways, I pressed random buttons in an attempt to find the 'Register' button. I landed here. Hmm. Strange. I went back and clicked where I thought the 'Forgot Pass' button was and lo and behold, the Korean Nexon! Lul I wonder what that 14k means? (she lost OVER 14,000 TIMES!?!?!)

So I tried to sign up for the Korean Nexon, clicked something which I assumed to be 'I Agree' (ToS). And then…..

Fuck. I'm gonna guess the second box means an ID or phone or something like that. Damn it, I knew these Asian sites needed those ID shatness. Anyone from Korea wanna gimme theirs? :3

Well. There ends my journey. Maybe I could get Rain to help me. I already asked her to join VuTales.


On a side note, look what I drew 😛 Fufufufufufu…

A potato? Shiny wings? Heart? Fused together? Hmm…wonder what that means…


FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply

There. Finally. 😛

snowhamster 23 March 2009 Reply

Good Froggay.
You fixed it 🙂

FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply


SirPainsalot 23 March 2009 Reply

I lol’d at your tabs.
But anywho, I guess it is pretty awesome lul. But not uberness. O:
I wonder what that message means! >O

FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply

Idk. 😛

The pictures…SO REALISTIC!

I probably should’ve included ingame screenies…

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

Mabinogi Heroes is an action MMORPG. But really, looks like any other hack and slash game from what I’ve seen. Sure it has it’s better details and what not, but I will come back to fantasy life Mabinogi cause it uses strategic combat.

Plus I doubt Heroes will come out in NA anytime soon. They just started CB a few weeks ago.

FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply

Bah. When it does, I’m gonna try it out. Hack n’ Slash is r kewlz.

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

Also from what I’ve read, your equipment can’t be repaired. Once they break, you’ll have to fork up some dough to buy new weapons and armor. And I think your potions can break too if you get hit enough. That would be cool though. I mean, who can afford unbreakable glass?

Souseiki 23 March 2009 Reply

aww..too bad i can’t try it. 🙁

FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply

Maybe you could move to Korea.

FireLeo86 23 March 2009 Reply

Hello? CB? Not available to the public yet.

FunnyFroggy 23 March 2009 Reply


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