Hey, I have recently took a long break and well, just lost my interest to blog for a while. But now I'm back, and I read a few recent blogs. Apparently, lots of people are having trouble with…
Song I'm currently listening to, Daughtry – No surprise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a9ochBD0P4
Like others have quoted, Love, is more widely known as Infatuation, or lust. But they are totally different. Uh huh, they are. Here are the following definitions.
Love – a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. OR Sexual desire for another person. (This is more of lust.)
Lust – uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness. (Spot the difference.)
Infatuation – foolish or all-absorbing passion. I'll call this, puppy-love.
Now, all formalities aside.
Well, we do know the BGR's in Schools do tend to get a little out of hand, and things happen. Undesirable things to be exact. The victims are on a verge of a break-down, they seem to have lost all 'Meaning' in life, and tend to act stupidly.
This, unfortunately, is not real love. This, from my opinion, is a break away from Puppy-Love. If the Victim feels sad, depressed, and CANNOT get over it, I'll say that it is indeed Infatuation.
True love. If you have already found your Life Partner, but suffered a break-up, you would feel sad, but however, would TRY to get over it, but to no avail.
Lust. No further elaboration needed on this topic. This results in what parents hate the most, lost of virginity in early ages.
Onto the topic. Answering 'spygirl57's blog PLAYA.
Well, we are all human after all. Feelings tend to engulf our mortal will, and in your case, telling someone you like him. Take Aaru's advice, confess to the 1st guy, however, if that actually fails, DO NOT immediately ask the 2nd guy out, for by chance he could have heard of your failure, and think that he was just a back-up, and you won't want that to happen, do you?
Bravery comes in time, if not now, later on in your life. You may not have the bravery to try out cycling, but later on, you would try. It is the same in this situations, your bravery would soon kick in, and you might mess up once or twice, like getting a scrape on your knee. But in the end, you would suceed, feeling the wind in your face as you slowly near your happily-ever-after.
Love is not a game, your partner deserves to be treated as well as you treat yourself. Love is no one-sided affair, there are two parties involved in it.
Take it like this. Love is a sea-saw. If one party is very happy due to some reasons, the other party probably do not share the same enthusiasm and sinks down.
Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus. What you like might not be favourable to the other party. So, always care for your partner as much as you care for yourself, or if possible, even more.
To tell the truth, I only successfully asked 3 girls out, and I had my share of failures. Had no chance to try out nowadays, am in a Boy's school. Torture, I agree. Hopefully, my skills don't get too rusty when I get to Junior College.
Hope this was helpful.
Signing out.
563 words. Wow.
Interesting perspective.
But, I gotta say, who are you? D:
Don’t recognize the name particularly.
Greenday perhaps?
There’s such thing as Junior College?
Junior college is two years.
@Mip – What Aaron said.
@Aaron – Yep.
@Nass – Singapore. Pfft.
@Froggy – Yep.
How can you not know who Greenie is? He was extremely famous on MMOTales. Right? :O
I am definitely not going to use Number 2 as a back up for number 1.
Thank you soo much, this helps a lot. 😀
And today is the day I tell
EDWARDNumber 1. Wish me luck! 😀Very interesting..
@David – Erm, maybe, in an infamous way.
@Nass – What the hell did that mean!?!? >D
@spygirl57 – No problem man.
@Quang – Erm, thanks. xD