Ah sweet. A Rant Catagory! I'm gonna make this catagory my *****!
Alright.. I haven't ranted in a while since the days good ol Colonel Sam Fisher defeated King James III and Pearl Harbor in 1302!
Well. My rant today is… XBOX Live…
Those annoying… obnoxious… CHILDREN.. who have an XBOX Live headset.
I play XBOX Live – Gamertag is Grimno.
But I mean… do they not know, that their voices, kill my ears?
Nothing against them, but British kids are the worst.
The screaming, the complaining, the sudden need to insult your mother.
Why, I ask… why do they do what they do when they do the things that they do….
First – They think your retarded and tell you what to do.
Two – They giggle… GIIIIIIGGGGLLLLEeeEEeEEE *slow motion mouth movement* over the mic.
Three – They scream… not for Ice Cream… but because a spider on a string came down in front of them or something.
Four – They're Racist. (Today's youth… my god…)
I'm thirsty…
You know… I'm gonna rehatch my old goal. A Post a Day!
I gotta hit 100 blogs like on MMOTales!
This will be blog 2.
Yay for blogs… blogs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get… UNLESS you look at the chocolate chart on the underside of the top.
Oh. I owned Resident Evil 5.
1000/1000 GP from it (Got all 50 achievements). Yeah… I'm awesome like that.
Moving on… um… work.
Work was good today… slow, but good. Had a few idiots here, some morons there…
I'm trying to get accepted into a mining Corp on EVE Online.
I hope I get in… they'll give me a free Mining Barge. I want one… 🙁
So how's everyone doing?
Thats good.
I'm good…
I don't have anything else to say…
OH! I know a good joke.
Ok… a doctor is talking to his patient, he says.
"I'm got bad news, and worst news."
The patiant asks "Whats the bad news?"
The doctor says "You have 24 hours to live…"
The patient replys "If thats the bad news, whats the worst news?!"
And the doctor replys "I've been trying to contact you since yesterday!"
Hahahahahahahahha…. zing…
Alright. Thats all for now.
*tries to do a moonwalk through the wall but fails*
*walks out*
~Grimno (Eccentric MMOTales Veteran whos trying too hard to get a reward to feel special… dam you Vurez…. =_=)
We should play some sort of game, if my LIVE hasn’t expired. The last time we played something was… Last year in TF2. I killed you twice as a Pyro when we were in Dustbowl. One was after you left a teleporter I think.
… I doubt it if you can remember it from a YEAR ago. Plus I play TF2 on PC now.
Good. TF2 on console is horrible. Sadly I don’t have Steam, but w/e. Also I just looked over some achievements you have on games that I have.
Safety First is easy.
Do Not Disturb is some-what easy.
Jump Shot… I just got lucky.
Man vs Tank is easy.
How could you not get those in L4D? Also, I’m out of date. Is the DLC out yet?
EDIT: Also how is Halo Wars? I liked the demo. I’ve read the reviews and stuff but I’m still undecided.
Safety First – I don’t really play offline.
Do Not Disturb – They’re always in key paths…
Jump Shot – Trying for it.
Man Vs Tank – Noone will let me solo the tank… and I need someone with me in case a hunter or smoker grabs me.
Shall we make a PC TF2 date for MMOer’s? I play competitively and I’d like to see how you guys play. 😉
Pirkid… I would make you hate the scout…
I would make you hate the Pyro.
But then again, most people do already..
No.. trust me… *tossing baseball into air*
I like Scouts. They’re fast and can be annoying as hell if used by a
Grimnogood person.I snipe snipers on 2fort from my battlements to theirs with that ball… easilly.
Wait, so Grimno, that means you hate me?
Considering I still have a prepubescent voice…
I’m not obnoxious, am I?
Ok, maybe on the Internet, but not on XLive!
Must take awhile for you to get that ball back. Do you wait or just go for it while Snipers are stunned?
Dest1, you’ll change.
For better or for worse, we don’t know, but you’ll change.
Urrgghh all your boring male-talk is lame!
Your obvious female personality is boring.
I still love you grimmy o:
I don’t need it to recharge. Once I hit it off, I run back to the supply room and grab another.
Oh right, I keep forgetting about the resupply. -hasn’t played TF2 in awhile-
*tosses ball into air and laughs like Mr. Popo off DBZ Abridged*
I would scream if a spider on a string came down in front of me.
Hell, I would scream if there was a spider anywhere in a 10m radius that I could see.
Res-Evil 5 was kind of boring.
It’s a nex-gen game that stayed in the past gen.