Well. I've been playing EVE Online lately.
Its pay to play and the retail version just came out like, last week.
Well… to start off.
Its an MMO.. but its not an RPG, or RTS, or FPS…
Its all in space. You control your ship.
Level system? THERE IS NONE!
Its all about gathering money, learning skills, and getting better ships.
Realistic ships too. Nothing cartoony. Its all made as if this was real life.
Character creation is like… Oblivion almost.
Very cool.
Lets start with character.
First you choose your race of humans.
Then, you choose your bloodline.
THEN, you choose what your decended from. (Traders, Mercs, Negotiators, etc etc)
AND THEN, you choose male or female (And there is a difference in playing as male or female. Stat wise anyways.)
You also choose your outfit, your background image, and your head/eye/camera/neck positioning. So you could be snearing downwards on your picture. Glaring. Smiling. Staring. Smirking. ETC.
After all that, viola!
You start off with the most basic stuff… tiny ship… small gun.. civillian class weapons.
The main income is asteroid mining. Use ISK (the money of the game) to buy new ships, repairs, upgrades, installments, etc.
Complete missions to get new ships now and then. I got 10 ships now.
3 Industrial Transports, 1 Shuttle Craft, 2 Frigates, 1 Destroyer, my newb ship, 2 mining ships, and 1 Cruiser.
Now… EVERYTHING is real time. Want to fly a new ship… you gotta read the manuels. So you select learn on that.
Now it shows how long it'll take to learn that skill.
Level 1- 10 minutes. (Still counting down the timer even if offline… so thats cool).
Level 2- 40 minutes
Level 3 – 3 Hours
Level 4 – 2 Days
Level 5 – 10 Days.
…yeah. On the left of the screen, from top to bottom you can.
Check your stats. Find places. Check your mail. Fit your craft. Check the market. Check out the Science/Industry department. Write a contract with someone. Check the map. Check out Corporations (i'll tell you about this in a moment) Recruitment. Check out your Assets. Check your wallet. Check out channel/mailing lists.Use the browser. Read your journal. Turn on your ship's radio (music). Check accessories. Check out militia office. Or get help. Check Items/Ships if in a station.
You can even check out bounties set on player's heads… or set one yourself!
And see the Most Wanted list!
YAY! You can get PKed anywhere… however each place has a security level… with security. If they attack you, security blows them up if your in .5-1.0 level. In .04-0.2… maybe… in 0.0-0.1. NO security.
Moving on!
Theres no guilds… no clans… theres Corporations. Someone makes a Corp.. or Industry.. or W.E., and runs it like so.
You hire employees (other players), have taxes, revenue, profits, and so on.
I'm trying to join a Mining Corp. I hope to get in… if I get in, I may get a free Mining Barge ship… 🙂
And they have alot of technical stuff I don't know of…
Ships do vary in sizes… my ship is easilly 6 times bigger then the starter ship… the ship I'm about to use is twice as big as that… freighters are about 10 times bigger then my ship… and a Titan (which takes LITERALLY 1-year to make… so theres only a few here…haven't seen 1 yet) is about oh say.. 200 times bigger then my ship.
So yeah.. VERY indepth and complex. But I'm understanding it.
And then theres pirates, wormholes, anomolies, salvaging, hacking, analyzing, refining, constructing, news, industrial, science, management and alot of other stuff I havn't done yet.
OH! Another cool thing… if you release a cargo pod to pick up later… it'll appear yellow to everyone else. And if they steal whats in it, they'll get a 15 minute agrivation timer in which they can freely kill you anywhere. (Cept in a station).
If you steal a Corporation's cargo… then anything in that Corp can attack you for 15 minutes!
Alright, thats all… my arm's cramping…
*jumps out window*
Might try it.
Sounds like the goal is… Just to get a big ship and blow your enemies away?
You have inspired me to try the free trial. 😀
I’ve always wanted to play this game but never had any money to 🙁
In the Free trial, you can only do so much… i heard you can’t learn Frigate (or it could have been Cruiser) to use that ship type.
Grimno -falls on the floor-
-breaks neck-
What? You think ONE reinforced window will stop me?
I’m Grimno… not some dinkin cartoon!
O rly.
Think again. 🙂
This game was developed by four people people…
Do you realize you have gotten me addicted to this game? :'(