Sexual Work Day

By In Uncategorized

Today was weird… very weird… like, anything perverted that could happen, DID happen.

Lets start off the day.. I come inside, clock in, and see a co-worker with her shirt up and another co-worker looking at her belly…
Probably checking how "pregnant" she looks or something…

Alrighty, not much there I thought… happens once a week or so.

Later on. Family comes in. Little girl, about age of 2 gets her sister's attention (who's about age 7) by reaching up and grabbing her chest….
I, when I saw this, wanted to go "Ahhh!!!" Like in Anime, with the whooshing background and point like Phoenix Wright and scream "SEXUAL ASSAULTED!"

But they ordered, and sat down… then I started thinking "She grabbed someone who was underage.. does that make her a pedophile?" o_o
And I kept pondering this… over and over… and thought "Well… she was like, only a child, so maybe she didn't know better… but then again, there was that report of a young child shotgunning his babysitter down with a shotgun he kept hidden in his blanket… so … maybe she knew what she was doing…."

But I shrugged it off and continued, until a black women came in with, quoteing a co-worker "Bigger boobs then her ****ing head."
We questioned if she was possibly a floatation device…

Then THEN, to top it off…. women comes in, attractive, you know, has a child… they order… go to the back corner… and starts unbuttoning her shirt!
I'm thinking "WTF IS SHE DOING?! She better not… is she?"
Yeah… breast-feeding… in a public restraunt… during lunch rush…

Hardest thing for a guy…
Is stopping yourself from watching…

I had to maintaine a positive attitude and not be distracted, especially not with my district manager in the building…
So there I was…. staring forward at the backwall…. with the straighest face I could possibly make…
Then the silence got broke when that some co-worker looks…. and his jaw DROPS….
Then as he's walking away, he says to himself "Thats hot…"

Finally, everyone leaves… room empty… I'm cleaning up.
I look back at my manager and ask 'What is up with people today? Palm sunday ain't sexy-time day!"
And he looks at me and asks "Well, buisness is slow…. wanna go home early?"

I say sure, and now here I am!



Dest1 5 April 2009 Reply


Aaron 5 April 2009 Reply

Look at the bright side; you didn’t get touched by a random person.

dee32693 5 April 2009 Reply


Ew perverted coworker much? DD=

Grimno 5 April 2009 Reply

We had to fire a guy cause he turned out to be a sexual predator… but apparantly managers don’t like looking up people’s backgrounds!

Nass 5 April 2009 Reply


dee32693 5 April 2009 Reply

LOL woooow that’s nice…

btw your avatar is adorable! 8D

Gujju 5 April 2009 Reply

I need a job T.T

Arladerus 5 April 2009 Reply

GO GET A JOB! >O Stop leeching your parents’ money.

Quang 5 April 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: GO GET A JOB! >O Stop leeching your parents’ money.

You want a job? Then get a BLOWJOB! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Kneel before my awesome pun.

EDIT: Btw your avatar is hot 😀

Aaron 5 April 2009 Reply

No, bad Quang. Think of bukkake.

Quang 5 April 2009 Reply

Bukkake is hot to the point that it’s disgusting.. All slime and goo everywhere… Even on the camera lens.

spygirl57 5 April 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: ROFLMAAOOO XDDD

Ew perverted coworker much? DD=

Hah! Yeah, more like perverted coworker/little girls!

snowhamster 6 April 2009 Reply

-was planning on getting a job the moment I turn 16…isn’t so sure anymore-

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